

A Study of Environmental Monitoring Methods in Construction Phase of Expressway and It’s Application

【作者】 李思悦

【导师】 王慧觉;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 环境工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 研究了高速公路建设期环境污染的监测与常规监测的区别;按不同施工期具有的不同污染特征进行了研究;确定了研究的因子及其确定原则、理由;监测频率的确定;敏感点确定原则;事故应急监测;各监测因子的布点原则;实验室监测分析方法研究;底质监测及评价;最后对依托项目的环境现状进行了评价。本研究分为现场调查、实验室监测分析及理论研究两大部分。具体技术路线为:根据高速公路的污染特征进行理论分析,形成初步思路——现场调查——监测计划设计——布点——样品采集——运送保存——分析测试——数据处理——现状评价。 现场调查了沿线的污染源(水、气、声部分),大气和噪声污染源有:桥头预制厂、爆破点、施工便道、取弃土场、路基面、隧道作业、材料堆及拌和站等;水污染源有:施工营地、桥梁施工。了解了各敏感点的现场布点条件、各敏感点的大小、各水体的水体功能等,为理论研究打下了坚实的基础。 接着进行了理论探讨及实验室分析研究。确定了监测因子、监测频率、如何布点、敏感点确定原则、在比较各监测分析方法的基础上提出最佳实验室监测分析方法。根据高速公路建设项目的实际情况,最终确定监测情况应根据工期的不同作相应的调整。具体是:在一期工程期间,水质监测的频率为1次/月,大气及噪声的监测频率依次为1次/月和4次/月;第二及第三期工程期间,水质监测按丰、平、枯水期进行划分,大气及噪声的监测频率变为1次/季和4次/季,但大气部分应增加沥青烟监测。在实验室分析阶段注意到了现有分析方法需改进的地方,对BOD、IMn、SS、石油类的分析方法做了探索性研究,为以后的监测分析部门节省大量的人力、物力。 完成了大量的监测任务,为世界银行环保办提供了科学、完整的月、季及年度监测评价报告。

【Abstract】 This thesis has studied the difference between the environmental monitoring of expressway and routine monitoring of environmental pollution. Has carried on research according to different pollution characteristic of 3 construction phases. Has determined the factors being studied and their principles an reasons for adoption. Studies the frequency of monitoring, how to locate sensitive spots. Accident contingency monitoring, the principles of laying out factors, monitor and analytical methods in the laboratory, sediment monitoring and assessment on the environmental current situation are also studied. This research is divided into two large parts, laboratory monitoring analysis and theoretical research. The concrete technological route is: theory analysis according to pollutioncharacteristics of expressway , forming the preliminary thought--on the spotinvestigating--design monitoring plans--layout--sampling-transporting and keeping ------analysis and test --data processing------currentsituation assessment.Having investigated the pollution sources (water , air , noise ) along the line at the scene, atmospheric and noisy pollution sources are: bridge prefabricate places , explosion spot, makeshifts , site of earth cutting and discarded earth, the road bed, material pile, mixing and stiring stations etc. Water pollution sources are: construction encampments, bridge construction. Understands the laying out situation of every sensitive spot, every water body’s function ,etc. Which have laid a solid foundation for the theoretical research.Then carries on the theory study and analysis study in the laboratory, has confirmed the monitoring factors, monitor frequency, how to lay out, sensitive spots’ confirming principles.Proposes the best laboratory monitoring and analytical methods on the basis of analyzing other monitoring analytical methods. According to actual conditions of expressway construction project, it has adjusted monitoring according to the different phases of the project. During the first phase of the project, the frequency of water quality monitoring is once per month, the monitoring frequencies of the air and noise are successively once per month and 4 times permonth. And during the second and the third phase of the project, rate of water quality monitoring depends on the summer , normal and dry season, the rates of air and noise monitoring turn into once per season and 4 times per season, we should add pitch smoke monitoring. In lab analysis , the existing analytical methods have been improved. Especially for BOD , Imn , SS ,petroleum,which will save a large amount of manpower, material resources for the monitoring in the future.A large number of monitoring tasks have been done, which has submitted seasonal and annual monitoring reports for the World Bank’s Environmental Protection Agency.

  • 【分类号】X830
  • 【被引频次】3
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