

Research of Collaborate Transportation Based on GIS

【作者】 刘会林

【导师】 陈宁;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 公路运输在整个交通运输业中处于基础地位。在公路、水路、铁路、民航、管道五种主要运输方式中,公路货运量、周转量远远超过其他运输方式,在国民经济及社会发展中占有重要地位。 在过去的20多年的时间里,公路货运由于基础设施、装备水平的提高取得了巨大的进步。但是,随着经济的快速增长,市场竞争的不断加剧,公路货运也面临一些问题:大多数企业规模偏小、社会运力的地域分布不均、组织管理水平落后、市场无序竞争加剧、经营信息网络落后。所有这些都严重地制约了公路货运企业的发展,特别是社会上为数众多的中小公路货运公司面临困境,急需提高企业经营管理水平,进而在激烈的市场竞争中胜出。 本文从公路运输企业的合作入手,研究企业间在运输过程中的协同作业。协同运输,通常是指两个或多个运输企业,为完成某项运输任务,相互分工合作,共同完成整个运输,实现货物空间位移;它可以是各种不同运输方式的组合,也可是同种运输方式在不同地理位置的接力;它运用GIS技术和网络技术作为信息交流和传递的手段;最终建立出一种新型的合作竞争关系,提高企业自身的运营成本和管理水平,降低企业运输的综合成本,提升企业的市场竞争力。 论文首先简介了GIS技术,分析了国内外GIS在交通运输中的运用情况,接着阐述了协同的基本理论,对合作企业的选择、协同运输业务的确定进行了研究,描述分析了车辆调度的一些算法;最后运用基于组件的GIS技术,结合车辆调度的数学模型,开发出企业协同网络调度的信息管理系统,实现相关协作运输调度的智能安排和图形化显示,并对企业经营数据进行统计、分析,为运输企业之间的信息共享、交流合作提供了一个支持平台,进而为提高公路运输企业的经营管理水平和市场竞争力提供了新的手段。

【Abstract】 Road transportation is at the basic rank in whole carrying trade. Road transportation is much better than the other five transportation styles: road transportation, waterage, railage, air transportation, pipeline transportation in freight volume and turnover volume. It plays a very important role in our nation’s economy and social development.In the past twenty years our nation’s road transportation has made great progress which benefits from the development of transportation basic facilities and the level of carrying tools. But along with the rapid development of economy and the drastic competition of market, road transportation faces bigger challenge than before. Some problems such as most companies’ scale too small, disequilibrium transportation capacity , poor management level, disorder market competition and poor manage information have restricted the progress of road transportation. Especially for many small carrying companies the problem exists in evidence. So these companies need improve management themselves.The thesis mainly discusses collaborate between carrying companies, and studying the collaborate work in transportation process. Collaborate transportation, generally is two or more companies finish one transportation task by cooperating, achieving cargo transfer form one place to another. It may be the same transfer style, and can be different also. At the same time , it uses GIS and network technology to convey information. At the end it help the companies built a new cooperate relation , improve its management lever, decrease company’s transportation cost, and enhance the ability of competition.At first the thesis introduces how the GIS used in transportation, and analyzing its application in domestic and international. Then introduces the basic collaboration theory, selection of collaboration partner, the selection of collaboration business, some arithmetic about vehicle scheduling and how to scheduling. At the end , it use the GIS based on Component Object, integrates the model of vehicle scheduling, builts the information management of vehicle scheduling for companies. It has some functions as follows: collaborate planning , visualizing scheduling information, sharing information between companies. It can count and analyse the data for the company. So it provides a software environment to improve company management level and market competition competence.

  • 【分类号】U495
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】321