

A Study of Factors Associated with Violent Behavior in Violent Criminals and Schizophrenic Patients

【作者】 姚莉华

【导师】 杨德兰;

【作者基本信息】 重庆医科大学 , 精神病与精神卫生, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:探讨精神分裂症患者和罪犯暴力行为相关心理社会因素的差异和共性,为预测和控制暴力行为提供理论依据。方法:采用病例对照研究方法,收集49例暴力罪犯和35例暴力违法的精神分裂症患者,应用人口学资料和既往史调查表、明尼苏达多相人格调查表(MMPI)、人格诊断问卷第四版 (PDQ4+)、早年(18岁以前)不良家庭环境问卷、家庭环境量表-中文版(FES-CV)进行调查和测试。结果:(1) 精神分裂症组的攻击行为史、父母精神病史多于罪犯组,而早年家庭结构不完整及遭受父母虐待、父母有不良教养方式、酒精滥用史少于罪犯组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05=。(2)MMPI测试结果显示精神分裂症组的F、D、Hs、Hy、Pa分高于罪犯组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05=。(3)PDQ4+的测定结果显示精神分裂症组的偏执型、分裂样、分裂型、表演型、依赖型、被动攻击型、抑郁型人格障碍评分高于罪犯组,而反社会人格障碍评分低于罪犯组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05=。(4)两组在家庭环境量表的亲密度、情感表达、成功性、娱乐性、组织性方面存在差异,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05=。 (5) Logistic回归分析结果显示精神分裂症患者暴力<WP=7>行为的危险因素是既往攻击行为史、MMPI的F、Pa高分及早年父母的精神病史 ;而罪犯暴力行为的危险因素是早年遭受父母虐待、父母的不良教养方式、反社会人格障碍、既往酒精滥用史。结论:两组暴力行为的相关因素既有差异,也存在一些共同的病理性人格特点。

【Abstract】 Objective: To study the psychosocial factors associated with violent behavior in schizophrenic patients and violent criminals. Methods: A controlled study was conducted between 49 violent criminals and 35 schizophrenic patients with violent behavior. They were assessed using demographic information questionnaire,past history questionnaire,Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory(MMPI),Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4th Version(PDQ4+),Early deviant family environment questionnaire (before 18 years old) and Family Environment Scale-Chinese version(FES-CV). Results: (1) There are more instances with history of aggressive behavior and parental psychotic history in schizophrenic patients than in violent criminals. There are more instances with history of alcohol abuse,<WP=9>parental unsound rearing styles, suffering parental abuse and family defect in early years in violent criminals than in schizophrenic patients . (2) Schizophrenic patients have higher F, D, Hs, Hy, Pa scores of MMPI than violent criminals. (3) Significant differences between two groups are found in cohesion, achievement,entertainment,organization subscales of the Family Environment Scale. (4) Compared with violent criminals ,Schizophrenic patients have higher scores in paranoid,schizoid,schizotypal,hysteric,dependent, passive aggressive and depressive personality disorder and have lower scores in antisocial personality disorder of PDQ4+. (5) Logistic regression analyses suggests that the main risk factors for violent behavior of schizophrenic patients are the history of aggressive behavior,the F,Pa scores of MMPI and parental psychotic history,while the risk factors for violent behavior of criminals are the suffering parental abuse in early years,parental unsound rearing styles,antisocial personality disorder and the history of alcohol abuse. Conclusion: There are significant differences between two groups in psychosocial factors,but each group has some similar personality deviation.

【关键词】 暴力精神分裂症危险因素
【Key words】 violent behaviorschizophreniarisk factor
  • 【分类号】R749.3
  • 【下载频次】192