

Studies on Testing of Several Annual Flower Seed-Borne Fungi and Selection of Seed-Coating Fungicide

【作者】 吴利敏

【导师】 赵梁军;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以一串红2个品种、万寿菊3个品种、矮牵牛4个品种共计9个国产品种的种子样品为供试材料进行了种子寄藏真菌检测,并针对一串红和万寿菊各1个品种的种子进行了药剂消毒、药剂对种子寄藏致病真菌的抑制作用、种衣剂包衣种子的生物学效应的研究,结果如下: 1.检测9个草花种子样品的结果,证明一串红、矮牵牛利万寿菊种子的寄藏真菌百分率分别为54.0-72.5%、17.0%-50.5%和11.5-13.0%;链格孢菌是三种供试草花种子寄藏真菌的优势菌群;从检测到的9种分离物中,鉴定分类出5种;通过土壤接种法得出对一串红和万寿菊种子出苗影响较大的4种致病菌株分别为Alternaria alternata、Alternaria infectoria、Chaetomium sp.和未鉴定出分类地位的分离物G。 2.用6种药剂(50%福美双WP、50%多菌灵WP、70%噁霉灵WP、35%阿普隆SD、70%代森锰锌WP、10%咪鲜胺EC)对一串红和万寿菊的种子样品进行了拌种处理,结果表明,福美双、代森锰锌和咪鲜胺的消毒效果最好,并且对种子的出苗无不良影响。 3、检测8种药剂(福美双、多菌灵、噁霉灵、甲霜灵、萎锈灵、代森锰锌、咪鲜胺和甲基立枯磷)对种子寄藏致病真菌Alternaria alternata、Alternaria infectoria、Chaetomium sp.和未鉴定分类地位的分离物G的抑制作用,结果表明咪鲜胺对4种菌的抑制作用最强,EC50分别为0.78μg/ml、0.24μg/ml、0.07μg/ml和0.32μg/ml;其次是甲基立枯磷,EC50分别为1.88μg/ml、2.11μg/ml、0.86μg/ml和1.39μg/ml;咪鲜胺和甲基立枯磷的5种混配比例对4种菌的联合毒力均表现为相加或增效作用(C>80),其中咪鲜胺和甲基立枯磷8:2的配比对4种菌的抑制作用最好,EC50分别为0.66μg/ml、0.34μg/ml、0.08μg/ml、0.24μg/ml。 4、用四种种衣剂,按照药种比1:30对一串红和万寿菊的种子样品进行包衣处理,结果表明种衣剂包衣处理万寿菊和一串红种子安全,对种子的发芽势影响很小,对种子的发芽率有不同程度的提高作用,种衣剂包农种子后种子的带菌率有明显的降低,并且有助于提高种子的出苗率和幼苗的生长发育。

【Abstract】 Seed samples of two varieties of Salviax three varieties of Marigold and four varieties of Petunia totally nine varieties were collected and analyzed for seed-borne fungi by means of perti-dish testing. The isolates were purified and identified. The results showed that pathogens were detected in all the cultivars. The percentage of seed-borne fungi was 54.0% to 72.5% in Salvia; While the percentage varied from 11.5% to 13.0% in Marigold and 17.0% to 50.5% in Petunia. Accroding to the morphology, the isolates were confirmed as Alternaria(including A.alternata, A.tenuissima, A.infectoria), which was the dominant species in the experimental cultivars, Chaetomium, Penicillium and other four species(B, C, G,H) which had not been identified.Inoculated seeds with the fungi isolated from their own seed samples, then plant these seeds on the disinfected soil. The impact of the isolated fungi on seedling emergence was assessed. The result showed that isolations A (Alternaria alternata), E (Alternaria infectoria), G and I (Chaetomium sp.) had bad impact on seedling emergence.Two varieties each from Salvia and Marigold were treated with Thiram 50%WP, mancozeb 70%WP, Apron 35% SD, Carbendazim 50%WP, Prochloraz 25%EC, Hymexazol 70%WP , then plant these seeds on PDA plate and in soil. The result indicated that the disinfecting effect of Thiram 50%WP, mancozeb 70%WP and Prochloraz 25%EC were better than other fungicides, and their negative impact on seedling emergence were not showed .At the same time, the inhibiting effect of Thiram, Carbendazim, Hymexazol, Metalaxy, Carboxin, mancozeb, Prochloraz and Rizolex to A (Alternaria alternata), E (Alternaria infectoria), G and I (Chaetomium sp.) were determined. The result showed that inhibiting effect of Prochloraz was the best of all to 4 pathogens, EC50 were 0.78ug/mK 0.24ug/ml, 0.32 ug/ml和 0.07 ug/ml respectively; Rizolex was the second, EC50 for 4 fungi were 1.88 u g/ml,2.11 ug/ml,1.39 ug/ml 和0.86 ug/ml respectively. Also the association virulence of Prochloraz and Rizolex to 4 fungi were tested. The result showed that the proportion of 8 to 2 had the best inhibition effect to 4 fungi with EC50 were 0.66 u g/ml, 0.34 ug/ml, 0.24 ug/ml and 0.08 ug/ml respectively.Additionally, four flower seed coating were used to coat two varieties each from Salvia and Marigold seeds in the proportion of 1 to 30.The disinfection effect, germination percentage and germinating viability were measured in laboratory and growth vigor were estimated in field. Results showed that seed coating was safe to experimental seeds and could increase emergence rate, and improve the growth of seedling.

【关键词】 草花种子寄藏真菌检测杀菌剂种衣剂
【Key words】 Annual flowerseed-borne fungitestingfungicideseed coating
  • 【分类号】S482.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】174