

Studies on Interspecific Hybridization Technology and Irradiation Biological Effect of Parthenocissus Tricuspidata and Parthenocissus Quinquefolia

【作者】 付彦荣

【导师】 赵梁军;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 论文研究了地锦(Parthenocissus tricuspidata)和五叶地锦(Parthenocissus quinqeufolia)的种间杂交技术,对杂交障碍进行了分析。同时,对地锦和五叶地锦的不同类型材料进行γ射线辐射诱变,观测M1植株的形态和生理反应,筛选变异类型。研究结果如下: (1)地锦和五叶地锦的开花期不完全一致。它们的花序、小花、花柱、花粉形态存在一定差别。 (2)地锦花序自始花日,五叶地锦花序自始花日前1d起,花粉已有较高活力并能萌发。同一花序上正在开放与接近开放的小花,其花粉的活力和萌发率无明显差别。地锦花柱接受花粉的适宜时期在小花开放后2d前后,而五叶地锦花柱接受花粉的适宜时间在小花开放后1d前后。由此推断,地锦和五叶地锦的生殖器官存在雌雄异熟现象。地锦和五叶地锦杂交时,以在开花前1d或开花当日去雄,开花后1~2d授粉为宜。 (3)地锦和五叶地锦的花粉萌发率较低,但人工辅助自交后,花粉可以在各自柱头表面正常萌发,花粉管可伸入花柱中。将地锦和五叶地锦进行杂交时,多数花粉粒不能在柱头表面萌发,或者萌发后的花粉管呈现卷曲缠绕、先端膨大、破裂等异常表现,在授粉后2~48h的花柱中,未能观察到花粉管。由此认为,地锦与五叶地锦的杂交不亲和为柱头不亲和类型。 (4)地锦和五叶地锦不同器官对γ射线的耐受性不同。在剂量率为1~3Gy/min时,按照耐受性由高到低依次是:一年生休眠植株>休眠干种子>一年生枝条>解除休眠湿种子。它们的适宜辐射剂量分别是:一年生休眠植株,75~100Gy;休眠干种子,50~100Gy;一年生枝条,30~50Gy;解除休眠湿种子,30~40Gy。 (5)γ射线辐射后,地锦和五叶地锦M1植株的性状变异不丰富,变异的稳定性差。可观测到的形态变异包括:植株矮化、叶形变化、叶色变浅、叶柄变红等类型。

【Abstract】 The research covered two aspects: one was the interspecific hybridization technology of Boston ivy(Parthenocissus tricuspidata) and Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinqeufolia) and the analysisof their hybrid obstacle. The other involved the y -ray irradiation on them, the observation onmorphologic and physiologic response of Ml plants and the selection of variation. The results wereobtained as follows:(1)The blooming period of P. tricuspidata and P. quinquefolia were not fully coincident. There were difference on the morphology of their inflorescence, floret, stigma and pollen.(2)Pollen of inflorescence of P. tricuspidata and P. quinquefolia had viability and could germinate since blooming day and ld before blooming day, respectively. There was not distinctive difference on pollen viability and germination percentage between blooming florets and those near blooming in same inflorescence. The optimal time for style of P. tricuspidata accepting pollen was 2d after blooming, while the time for P. quinquefolia was ld after blooming. It can be deduced that the development of reproductive organs of P. tricuspidata and P. quinquefolia had dichoaamous phenomenon. It was suggested that emasculation should be conducted on blooming day or ld before blooming day and pollination should be done l~2d after blooming while making cross.(3)The germination percentage of pollen was low, but the pollen of P. tricuspidata and P. quinquefolia could germinate on the surface of their stigmas, respectively. Pollen tubes could grow into their styles. When making crossing with P. tricuspidata and P. quinquefolia, most pollen could not germinate on the stigma. Even if germinated, the pollen tubes showed some abnormity such as twinning, tip inflation and bursting. 2 ~ 48h after pollination, pollen tube was not founded in the style of mother parents. It can be concluded the cross-incompatibility was taken placed on the surface of stigma.(4 )The tolerance of different organs to γ-ray was not same. At the dose rate of 1 ~3 Gy/min, their tolerant capacity were ranked from high to low as: one year dormant plant > dry dormant seed >one year shoot> wet cold-stratified seed, their irradiation dose were suggested as 75- 100Gy, 50~100Gy, 30~50Gy, 30~40Gy, respectively.(5) The variation of Ml plants of P. tricuspidata and P. quinqeufolia irradiated by γ-ray was not rich and stable. The variations were observed as follows: plant dwarfing, leaf-shape variation, leaf-color variation, and so on.

  • 【分类号】Q947
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】92