

Studies on Propagation Technology of Celtis Julianae ’Jinye’ (Golden Leaves) and Its Eco-Physiological Characteristics

【作者】 黄玄

【导师】 赵梁军;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 为了使新发现的金叶珊瑚朴(Celtis julianae‘Jinye’)迅速得到应用,本文研究了其繁殖方法与生理生态特性。主要结果如下: 1.金叶珊瑚朴的离体快繁中,最适外植体为春季解除休眠的冬芽,最适启动培养基为1/2MS+IBA0.01mgL-1,2%糖;最适丛生芽继代培养基为MS+6-BA0.5mgL-1+NAA0.01mgL-1,2%糖;生根率不高。 2.接穗粗度对金叶珊瑚朴嫁接成活有显著影响,以1年生以上木质化程度高的枝条作接穗进行枝接是提高成活率的关键。砧木选用2年生实生苗,在春季树液流动时嫁接为宜。 3.与珊瑚朴相比,金叶珊瑚朴叶片较大,芽具有早熟性,萌发力和分枝力强,枝长与节间长度均小,高生长慢,树形紧簇丰满;金叶珊瑚朴叶色呈现季节性变化,春季颜色金黄,夏季黄绿色(151A~144A),秋季接近绿色(144B~143A),而珊瑚朴的叶色基本保持深绿色(137A~B)。 4.与珊瑚朴相比,金叶珊瑚朴叶片中叶绿素含量明显更低,而类胡萝卜素含量差异较小,从而使类胡萝卜素的颜色得以充分表现;金叶珊瑚朴叶片中质体色素含量受光照强度影响较大,随光照强度的提高,叶绿素a和叶绿素b的含量下降,而类胡萝卜素总量略有增加,使得其叶片的黄色表现得更好。 5.超显微观察发现,珊瑚朴的叶绿体切面多呈椭圆形,其内部基质着色较深,充满复杂的内膜系统,有明显的嗜锇体球。而金叶珊瑚朴叶片的叶绿体的基质片层分散,内膜系统较少,淀粉粒和结构空洞多。 6.金叶珊瑚朴的光补偿点为55~65μmol.m-2.s-1,光饱和点为1500~1800μmol.m-2.s-1,均较珊瑚朴低,光合作用的日变化呈不对称的双峰型曲线,在夏季“午睡”现象明显。; 7.淹水处理后,珊瑚朴的高生长、叶面积、生物量、地径和ADH活性均有显著变化,淹水结束后的补偿性生长较慢;在水分亏缺的条件下,叶片的自然饱和亏和脯氨酸含量均有跃变,对干旱胁迫程度作出灵敏的反映,复水后植株补偿性生长很快。由此认为珊瑚朴是一种中等耐涝而极耐旱的植物。

【Abstract】 Jinye Julian Hackberry (Celtis julianae ’Jinye’) is a new cultivar with a great ornamental potential. To rapidly regenerate this plant for the demanded market, propagation methods, morphological characteristics, and physiological features had been investigated. The results indicated:1. In vitro culture, the better explant material was overwintering buds collected right before sprouting. The optimal medium was 1/2 MS medium supplemented with IBA 0.01 mg.L-1 and 2% sugar. The explants differentiated a large number of young shoots on MS medium containing 0.5 mg.L-1 6-BA, 0.01 mg.L-1 NAA, and 2% sugar. However, the rate of root initiation was low.2. For grafting, the best time was the early spring when the plant began active growth. One-year-old scions grafted on the two-year-old seedling stock increased both survival and growth rates, which significantly reduced the production time.3. Celtis julianae ’Jinye’ has similar morphological features of its species, but slow growth rate and more round habit. The leaf size is broader than the other cultivated individuals of the species. Leaves are bright yellow (151A~144A, Royal Horticultural Society Color Chart) during the spring and summer and yellowish green (144B~143A) in fall. However, the leaves from other members of its species are always deep green (137A~B) throughout the growth season.4. The impact of different light conditions on leaf color expression had been examined. Jinye Julian Hackberry has golden leaves because its chlorophyll content was much smaller than its species. As the light intensity decreased, the chlorophyll content decreased and carotenoid content had little change. Therefore, leaves of C. julianae ’Jinye’ had lighter color.5. Compared with C. julianae, the chloroplast’s stroma lamellas of C. julianae ’Jinye’ become loose and the chloroplast microstructure changed a lot. Both number and size of chloroplasts decreased. The specific lamellae number of granum followed the same trend.6. The light compensation point of Jinye Julian Hackberry was about 55~65 umol.m-2.s-1 and the light saturation point was around 1500-1800 umol.m-2.s-1. Diurnal photosynthetic rate showed two peaks and photosynthetic depression was observed on sunny summer days.7.After flooding stress, height, leaf area, dry mass, diameter at ground level, and the activity of ADH of Jinye Julian Hackberry had significant differences and it took a long time (about a month) to reach the normal growth. During the water deficit, the plant responded slowly for a while (about 3weeks), than showing the wilted leaves suddenly. After release from water stress, normal growth rate could be observed within a week. Obviously, C. julianae ’Jinye’ is a drought tolerant plant and waterlog areas should be avoided.

  • 【分类号】S792
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