

Assessment and Technical Countermeasures of Ecological Safety of Cropping System in Suburban Region in Beijing--A Case Study in Shunyi County

【作者】 高军

【导师】 陈阜;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以生态安全研究进展为背景,以北京市顺义区为典例,对顺义区种植系统的生态安全状况进行了评价。在评价的基础上,对与种植系统生态安全密切相关的因子进行了分析预测,对存在非安全状况的因子提出预警。论文还通过试验分析和总结已有成熟技术提出区域种植系统生态安全的技术对策。 主要结果如下: 1.从数量和质量两方面考虑,构建了种植系统生态安全指标体系。 2.在对顺义区种植系统生态安全的评价中,农田大气子系统的生态安全程度最高,属优良级别,能够为顺义区进一步发展优质农产品提供良好的大气环境。农田土壤子系统的生态安全情况则不容乐观,虽然总体仍属于安全级别,但系统内部已经出现土壤滴滴涕超标、人均耕地不足等非安全因素。农田灌溉水子系统从评价结果上看尚属安全,系统内部质量指标表现良好,但数量指标灌溉水供需比已处于非安全状态,要保证种植业的生态安全必须解决好灌溉水的供需问题。农作物子系统的评价评价结果表现良好,各质量指标均低于标准值,符合无公害蔬菜生产标准,适宜进行一步发展高品质的农作物;数量指标人均粮食存在安全隐患,将会对种植业的整体发展产生负面影响。种植系统生态安全的总体处于良好范围内,但系统内已出现部分土壤滴滴涕含量超标、土壤重金属含量逐渐增加、人均耕地不足、灌溉水供需不平衡、人均粮食过低等不安全状况。 3.顺义区种植业灌溉用水是以地下水过度抽取为代价的,且一直处于缺水状态,对其进行预测分析发现:如果顺义区继续维持当前的种植业结构,种植业用水将由缺水状态进入极缺水区。本文对此提出生态安全现状恶化和负向演化预警。以不同的自给率和人均粮食占有量对人均耕地警戒值进行分析发现,顺义区人均耕地存在不同程度的非安全成分,研究提出现状恶化的评价和负向演化预警。农田土壤重金属含量虽未超标,但通过其在不同年限土壤中的含量可以发现,随着使用年限的增加,其含量有增加的趋势,研究对其提出生态安全负向演化预警。 4.在试验及综合考察的基础上,研究提出了顺义区种植系统生态安全的关键技术,包括:降解土壤有机氯农药的堆肥技术、养分平衡的配方施肥技术、轮作技术、保护性耕作技术、结构性节水技术、病虫害综合防治技术。

【Abstract】 Considering the ecological problems of the cropping system of Beijing, we make a study on theecological safety of cropping system based on the case study in Shunyi On the basis of theevaluation, some key facts of the cropping system are analyzed and predictions are put forward forthe unsafe facts. The study provides the cropping system with technologies by summing up thewell-researched technologies and testing. Main results are generalized as follows:The index system has been built as the aspects of quality and quantity are considered.The quality of atmosphere subsystem is the best of the four departments. It can provide the goodenvironment for Shunyi’s further development. Judging from the quality index, the watersubsystem, the soil subsystem, the crop subsystem are all good, but there is still something shouldbe alert on the quantity index of them.The general situation is good of the cropping system; however, most of the members are at theedge of the safety. We should keep watch on them in case their deterioration.With the use of soil, there is more heavy metal in it. At the same time, the water supply for crop isat the price of drawing the groundwater unduly. So we make a prediction for conditions of them.As crop system is so complex, we study the technologies of the optimum design of fertilizer, thedecomposition of DDT through compost. In the same time we summary some other technologies,such as rotation, conversation tillage, water-saving of structure. So we can provide the technicalcountermeasures for the ecological safety of Shunyi’s cropping system with these keytechnologies.

  • 【分类号】S181
  • 【被引频次】1
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