

The Research on Growth Effects of Nitrogen Amount and CRF on Petunia, Pansy, Daisy and Anthurium

【作者】 龙秀文

【导师】 游捷;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本项研究分为两个主要部分: 1.对4种花卉进行氮素生理试验,目的是初步了解矮牵牛、三色堇、雏菊、安祖花对氮素的养分需求; 2.研究CAU31系列控释肥对以上4种花卉的施用效果。 结果表明:与N300、N100、CK处理相比,N200对雏菊、矮牵牛、三色堇生长的影响具有明显的优势,N200处理植株的空间长势、生物量都高于其他处理;此外,N200能有效地促进矮牵牛、雏菊花苞膨大和开花,提高开花数量和增大花直径;在0~120mg氮/盆浓度下,80mg氮/盆(N200)为矮牵牛、雏菊生长经济合理的施氮量。N200不能完全满足三色堇花芽分化的营养需求,而浓度较高的施氮处理N300则表现良好,能有效地促进三色堇的花芽分化和花苞膨大。 控释肥CAU3144F、COMPO对雏菊、矮牵牛、三色堇的应用效果显著。本项实验中各处理相比较而言,分别是CAU3144F对矮牵牛、COMPO对雏菊和三色堇的应用效果最佳。 施氮量和控释肥对安祖花的应用结果表明:与N100、N300相比,N200对植株花芽分化和叶芽发育有促进作用;CAU31系列控释肥和COMPO对安祖花的生长均具有明显的优势,而CAU3135F和N200处理植株的开花数则优于其他处理。

【Abstract】 There are two parts in this experiment:1. Effects of the amount of nitrogen application on petunia, pansy, daisy and Anthurium.2. Effects of controlled release fertilizers on the plants mentioned above.The purpose was to find out the optimal nitrogen amount of the four ornamental plants and the effects of controlled release fertilizer on the growth of them.The main results are as follows:Compared with the treats of N300, N100 and CK, the rate of 80 mg. pot-1 of nitrogen (N200)was proved to be more optimal and economical for the growth quantity and quality of petunia and daisy. Plants fertilized with N200 not only had better spatial morphology and lager flower size but also much more flower number. However, for pansy the rate 120 mg. pot-1 of nitrogen (N300) was proved to be the most optimal.Controlled-release fertilizers of CAU3144F and COMPO had positive effects on the growth of petunia, daisy and pansy comparatively. CRF of CAU3144F was the most optimal for petunia, COMPO for pansy and daisy respectively.The optimum nitrogen application amount for the growth quality of Anthurium Robino was estimated to be 160 mg pot-1 of nitrogen (N200) in this experiment.Fertilization with CAU31 and COMPO resulted in larger plants compared with those fertilized with N200 and nutrient solution. The flower number of the treatments with N200 and CAU3135F were much more than other treatments.

  • 【分类号】S681
  • 【被引频次】2
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