

The Study of Tianjin Seed Stutus and Countermeasure

【作者】 张俊英

【导师】 孙津;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 种植业, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 品种质量是种业发展的关键环节,本文针对天津市种业的现状指出当前存在的主要问题在于:一是育、繁、推脱节,科研育种力量后劲不足,品种保护跟不上,没有拳头品种;二是良种推广部门多是贸易公司形不成产业;三是产后加工跟不上,阻碍了良种产业化的形成。四是法律法规有待完善,执法水平有待提高,执法手段有待改善,执法力度有待加强。本文分析了这些问题形成的主要原因有:一是思想保守,画地为牢;二是体制僵化,活力不足;三是缺乏自有品种,科研育种力量后劲不足;四是种子企业的加工,检验设备落后,种子质量难以保证;五是种子管理经费不足,人员素质不高,装备落后,管理不到位。针对这些问题,本文提出了以下一些对策:一是完善法制,强化管理,规范种子市场;二是以产权制度改革为突破口,进行制度创新;三是以品种为突破点,进行科技创新;四是以人为本,进行观念创新;五是以培养企业家为手段,进行管理创新。

【Abstract】 Extension of improved variety in Tianjin has made a great progress since the start-up of the 9th" Five seed project, but there are still many problems exist. Including:1. Disconnection among seed cultivation, seed reproduction and seed extension, short of sustainable scientific research of seed cultivation, lack of effective variety protection and competitive varieties.2. Trade corporation in charge of most extension work making the industrialization of extension impossible3. Lack of efficient post processing impedes the process of industrialization of improved varieties.4. Laws and regulations remain to be perfected, level of law execution need to be enhanced, law enforcement means remains to be improved, strength of law exertion remains to be strengthened.Main reasons for the existence of above problems:1. Conservative ideas2. Stereotyped administrative setups (regimes)3. Lack of our own varieties, insufficient devotion to scientific research and seed cultivation4. Underdeveloped equipment for seed processing and seed testing leading to the guarantee of seed quality difficult5. Insufficient funding for seed management, low personnel quality underdeveloped equipment, Based on the above reasons, the following countermeasures should be taken:1. Perfect the legal system, strengthen the administration and standardize seed market;2. Reform property right and Innovate regimes3. Innovate technologies variety as breakthrough point4. innovate management personnel as breakthrough point5. Innovate ideology cultivating enterpriser

【关键词】 种子优良品种天津市
【Key words】 seedimproved varietiesTianjin
  • 【分类号】F324
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】135