

A Study on Development and Reform of Agricultural Extension System in Beijing

【作者】 袁文

【导师】 王德海;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 种植业, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 建国以来,北京市已基本形成机构健全、队伍庞大的农业推广体系,为郊区农业和农村经济的发展作出了巨大贡献。但是,随着改革开放特别是市场经济的不断深入,北京市的农业推广体系面临着日益严峻的挑战,探索新型的适合京郊农业和农村经济发展需要的推广体系具有重要的现实意义。 本文以北京市农业推广体系为研究对象,采用定量分析和定性分析相结合的方法,系统分析了当前农业推广的管理体制、推广机构、推广队伍、经费投入和基本设施等发展状况、存在问题及变化趋势,并分别从基层推广人员和农民的视角,对推广服务工作中存在的一些突出问题进行实证研究,又通过借鉴国内外农业推广发展的基本经验,提出了可供参考的研究结论和政策建议。 研究表明:北京市农业行政管理层次过多影响了农业推广的效率,各推广机构按行业独立设置,自成体系,导致了农业推广机构的结构分散,不利于整体功能的发挥;近年来基层推广机构总数呈减少趋势,按行政辖区配置的推广机构难以满足农业区域化发展的需要,并且普遍缺乏市场机制、激励机制和风险责任机制;农业推广人员总数呈减少趋势,人员队伍日益精干,推广人员整体素质得到了提高,但在知识结构、专业结构、年龄结构等方面与郊区农民的现实需求仍有不小的差距;政府推广投资总额较大,受财政支农政策的影响,推广经费年度间波动幅度比较大,由于推广人员基数大,平均分配到每个推广人员的经费并不高,政府推广经费的分配主要集中在市、县两级,乡镇机构7896的运行费用要靠经营创收来解决;基层推广机构基本设施条件较差,推广手段落后,不能满足郊区现代农业的发展需要。 经费短缺问题已成为影响基层推广机构正常运转的最大问题,由于经费短缺而从事的经营创收问题已逐步被部分推广人员所接受,但是,经营创收和其他行政性事务已对基层推广人员的推广服务工作造成较大影响,推广人员对当前农业推广体系改革的看法不尽一致。多数农民对政府办的农业推广机构寄予厚望,但目前的农业推广机构及人员所能提供的服务难以满足农民的需求,农民需要高效运转的推广机构和高素质的推广人员为他们提供更多的及时有效的服务,即便是有偿服务。 借鉴国内外成功经验,构建新型的北京市农业推广体系,必须理顺管理体制,科学定位职能,并按照农业区域化布局重组基层推广机构,充分引入竞争和激励机制,不断创新农业推广的方式方法,加大政府对农业推广的投资力度,制定优惠政策,发展壮大民间推广力量,逐步形成新型的多元化农业推广体系。

【Abstract】 Subject: A Study on Development and Reform of Agricultural Extension System in Beijing. Name: Yuan Wen. Adviser: Professor Wang Dehai. Specialty: Crop Cultivation. Study Direction: Agricultural extension and management. College: College of Humanities and Development. Application date: June,2004.The thesis described the results of the study on agricultural extension system in Beijing carried out by Beijing Municipal Rural Service Commission and mainly analyzed the status, problems and trends of development of agricultural extension system in Beijing including management system, extension organization, extension staff, the financial input and basic facilities with qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. Some recommendations were put forward at end of the paper based on perspectives from farmers and extension workers during the survey and experiences of agricultural extension management learned in domestic and abroad. The study shows that in agricultural extension organization management, there are too many administration organizations over the extension system which made the lower efficiency of extension system; the extension organizations set up within administration area could not meet the needs of agricultural development in regional based and lack of operational mechanism of motivation and responsibility in market orientation. In human resource development, the structure of knowledge, specialty structure and age structure of extension staff were not rational in terms of farmers needs although the staff qualification have been improved and the total number of staff have been reduced according to the requirement. In financial support, the financial support mainly from government and the amount of funds was various from year to year. The funds from government were only able to support the operation of the organization in municipal and county level, the 78% of townships have to rely on their own income generation activities for support of extension activities. The conflict between income generation activities and other extension activities were becoming visible. The extension workers have different views on agricultural extension reform because their own position, and most of farmers have high expectation on government agricultural extension organizations however, the services from the extension staff could not meet farmers’ needs. Farmers required high quality services in time and efficiency, even if services by payment.The recommendations on improvement of extension system in Beijing include re-establish the extension organizations based on regional key enterprises distribution; to improve extension methods and induce competition and motivation mechanism in extension management; to increase financial support from government and develop diversified extension organizations including private organizations.

【关键词】 农业推广改革发展
【Key words】 Agricultural ExtensionExtension ReformDevelopment
  • 【分类号】F324.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】309