

An Empirical Study on the Factors Influencing Farmers’ Behaviors of Decision-making in Dairy Industry Development

【作者】 华鹤良

【导师】 李鸥;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 种植业, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 加入WTO和全球经济一体化的发展,给我国农业经济带来了十分严峻的挑战,走农业产业化经营道路是一种必然的选择。中国农民参与农业产业化,直接面向市场,遇到了许多难以克服的困难。本文对在扬州市奶业产业化经营中,农户决策行为的影响因素进行了实证研究。 扬州市奶业产业化形式主要是“公司+农户”,农户在1999年才开始加入奶业,扬州市大部分原料奶是由农户生产,农户是奶业产业化发展的基础。政策在引导农民加入奶业产业化的决策过程中起到了重要作用。起初只有少数“能人”为追求较高效益加入奶业,其他农户受良好预期、正向示范或政府宣传、政策影响加入。扬州市农民没有养殖奶牛传统习惯,农户养殖奶牛需要较多的启动资金,奶牛饲养规模不大,饲养方式比较落后,缺乏饲养技术和管理经验。 参与奶业产业化的各主体都有追求利润最大化和风险最小化的共同理性,但在交易价格、风险回避等方面又存在利益关系上的冲突。合同制生产是扬州市奶业产业化的主要形式,合同制有利于降低农户的风险。但扬州市原料奶收购的企业较少,农户选择的余地较小。农户在与企业谈判的过程中处于劣势,往往是交易方式和价格的接受者,企业具有主导和垄断地位,企业的生产经营状况对农户的利益影响很大。农户受有限资源限制,常常产生机会主义倾向。

【Abstract】 Subject: An empirical study on the factors influencing farmers’ behaviors of decision-making in dairy industry development. Name: Hua heliang. Adviser: Professor Liou. Specialty: Crop Cultivation. Study Direction: Agricultural extension and management. College: College of Humanities and Development. Application date: April,2004.The development of economic globalization and entering WTO brought about very severe challenges to the agricultural economy in China. The development of agricultural industrialization is the inevitable countenneasure to meet the challenges. Chinese fanners encountered a lot of difficulties in their participation in the industrialization process with direct facing the market. This thesis made an empirical study on the factors influencing farmers’ behaviors of decision-making in the industrialization of dairy production in Yangzhou Municipality.The main form of dairy production industrialization is the one of "Company plus dairy households". It was since 1999 that the households have involved in dairy production. Most of the fresh milk are supplied by the farm households who are the foundation of dairy product industrialization in Yangzhou Municipality. Favorable policies have played the important roles in the process of farmers’ decision-making to participate in the dairy production. It was started by a few "capable farmers" in order to get higher profit. The other dairy farm households were attracted to involve in dairy production by the well expectation, positive demonstration or promotion by the government, and favorable policies. The farm households in Yangzhou have no tradition to raise dairy cows. The number of cows is limited because of the high demand for the initial investment. The dairy farmers lack the knowledge and skills of cow rearing and management experiences. And the manner to raise cows is quite backward.All the stakeholders of dairy product industrialization are common in pursuing the maximum of profit and minimum of risks, but have conflicts in the interests such as the transaction prices and avoiding risks. The contract-based dairy production is the principal form of industrialization, which favors the reduction of dairy farmers’ risk. However, there are only a few enterprises to purchase fresh milk in Yangzhou Municipality, and limited options for farmers to choose. They are in a disadvantageous position in bargaining with the enterprises, and often the passive acceptors of the transaction manner and prices. The enterprises hold the dominant and monopoly position. The situation of their production and management - good or bad - has the significant impact on the benefit of the dairy farm households. Due to the constraints of the limited resources, it is easy for the households to take the opportunism attitude.

  • 【分类号】F325.15
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】367