

Performance Appraisal of Property Right Reform in State-owned Small and Medium Size Industrial Enterprises in Dongming County of Shandong Province

【作者】 张留成

【导师】 杨秋林;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 国有中小型工业企业是我国国民经济的重要支柱,是国民收入的源泉,同时也是容纳就业,保证社会稳定的基础。面对国有中小型工业企业效益持续滑坡,亏损日益严重的现状,各地政府广泛采用改组、联合、兼并、租赁、承包经营、股份合作制和出售等各种改制形式,积极推动国有中小型工业企业改革。然而改革成效如何呢?本文试图通过对山东省东明县五种不同的改革模式的研究,评价改革的成果,找出影响改革绩效的因素,为中小型工业企业的改革深化提供政策参考。 论文首先从国有中小型工业企业产权改革现状这一背景出发,对本文引用的案例——山东省东明县国有中小型工业企业改革的背景、模式与方法等方面进行了详细的介绍,为本研究奠定了实践基础。其后,运用国有资本金效绩评价方法对该县国有独资公司化改造、股份合作制改造、股份制改造、民营化改造、中外合资嫁接改造五种不同改革模式企业的经营绩效做出了评价,对结果进行了分析,并探讨影响各种改制模式的因素。最后,根据分析结果,找出解决问题的对策,提出优化改革模式的设想,并对山东省东明县的中小型工业企业的产权制度改革提出政策建议。

【Abstract】 As an important pillar of our national economy, a source of the national income, state-owned small and medium size industrial enterprises hold and obtain employment, guarantee the foundation of the social stability at the same time. In the face of the state-owned small and medium size benefit of industrial enterprise coming down continuously and the centralized current situation losing day by day, regional governments actively promoted the state-owned small and medium size industrial enterprises to reform, adopting various kinds of ways of reforming system, such as reorganizing, uniting, annexing, leasing, contracting to run, share cooperation and selling, etc. extensively. But how about the effect of the reform? This text attempts to pass the study on five kinds of different reform modes of Shandong province Dongming county, appraise the achievement of the reform, find out the factor of influencing the reform performance, offers the policy to consult for the reform deepening of the medium and small-scale industrial enterprises.Proceeding from this background of current situation of state-owned small and medium size property right reform of industrial enterprise at first, the thesis introduces a detailed case quoted to this text --the respects, such as background, mode and method of Shandong Province Dongming county’s state-owned small and medium size reform of industrial enterprise, etc., to establish practice foundation for the study. Thereafter, using state-run capital performances method it appraises the management performances of enterprises in this county of five different reform modes including state-owned individual proprietorship companization transformation, share cooperation transformation, shareholding system transformation, private transformation, Sino-foreign joint venture transformation, analyses the results, and probes into the influencing factors of different modes of reforming system. At last, according to the analysis result, it finds out the countermeasure which can solve the problem, proposes the imagination of optimizing the reform mode, and puts forward the policy and suggestion to the property right system reform of the state-owned small and medium size industrial enterprises of Shandong province Dongming county.

  • 【分类号】F425
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】103