

Study on the Application Effects and Mechanisms of the Various Biological Ecological Agents on the Layers

【作者】 崔西勇

【导师】 倪永珍;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 生态学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验是把本实验室自己研制开发的两种新型微生态制剂:GHEM1和GHEM2与现在广泛使用的EM(Effective Microorganisms)制剂进行了比较试验研究,为研究出效果更好、有自己知识产权的微生态制剂提供科学依据。 1、比较不同微生态制剂在商品蛋鸡中的应用效果,取得以下结果: (1)三种微生态制剂能提高蛋雏鸡的生长性能,提高饲料利用率。 (2)三种微生态制剂能降低蛋雏鸡腹泻等肠道疾病的发生率,降低死亡率。 (3)在产蛋时期,试验组A组、B组和C组与对照组D组相比,产蛋率平均分别提高5.93%、4.82%和4.93%;料蛋比平均分别降低7.43%、7.55%和5.97%;软破蛋率平均分别降低33.51%、26.12%和26.23%,差异显著(P<0.05);平均蛋重均高于对照组,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。 2、初步研究了不同微生态制剂可能的作用机理,主要结果如下: (1)饲料经不同微生态制剂发酵后与未发酵饲料相比,粗蛋白含量都显著增加,差异显著(P<0.05)。 (2)饲料经不同微生态制剂发酵后与未发酵饲料相比,各种氨基酸含量提高,幅度为3.03%~15.79%。 (3)饲喂不同微生态制剂均能明显刺激蛋鸡免疫器官的生长和发育。

【Abstract】 In this study two kinds of microbial ecological agents, which are confected by our lab, are compared with EM (Effective Microorganisms) used widely with application effect to offer scientific data for developing the microbial ecological agent with better results and holding property right.1. The application effects on layers were studied, the results as follow:(1) Employing microbial ecological agents could increase hens growth performance and the feed efficiency rate.(2) Employing microbial ecological agents could decrease morbid occur rate and dying rate.(3) Compared with the control group, three experiment groups (A, B, C)increased by 5.93%, 4.82%, 4.93% on laying ratio and decreased by 7.43%, 7.55%, 5.97% on feed/egg ratio and reduced by 33.51%, 26.12%> 26.23% on soft-shelled and broken egg ratio, having significant diversities (p<0.05); and improved egg weight, having no remarkable diversities (p>0.05).2. The preliminary mechanisms of microbial ecological agent were studied, the results as follow:(1) Compared with original material, the fermented feedstuffs had significant changes on the content of crude protein (P<0.05).(2) The content of total amino acids in fermented feedstuffs increased from 3.03% to 15.79%.(3) Microbial ecological agents had significant positive effects on the growth of immunity organs.

  • 【分类号】S831.5
  • 【被引频次】12
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