

How to Enhance the Farmer’s Income of NINGXIA

【作者】 田斌

【导师】 李秉龙;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 种植, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 党的十一届三中全会以来,特别是进入九十年代以来,随着农村各项改革的不断深化,宁夏农民收入有了较大幅度的增长,人均纯收入由1978年的115.9元增加到2002年的1917.36元,增长了近16倍,使得引黄灌区农民已跨入小康,南部山区大多数农民也基本解决温饱问题。但到20世纪90年代后期,随着市场经济体制的实行,由于农产品品种和质量不能完全适应市场需求,农业结构和农村经济结构出现不合理现象,农业效益下降等原因,宁夏农民收入增长的速度开始下滑。本文正是在全面总结宁夏农民收入增长变化特点及规律的基础上,通过理论分析、实证分析、回归分析等,深入分析了农民收入增长减缓的主要原因、影响农民深入增长的主要因素以及当前增加农民收入面临的主要矛盾和压力,结合宁夏的自然条件和社会发展现状,从大力推进农业产业结构调整,继续深化农村改革,加快发展农村二、三产业,积极培育农村市场,全面实施科教兴农战略等方面,对增加农民收入的渠道和途径进行了有益探索。主要研究内容包括以下几个部分: 第一部分,从农民收入增长的阶段性特征、区域性特征、结构性特征、层次性特征四个方面,认证总结和回顾了宁夏农民收入增长的基本特征。 第二部分,从粮食等主要农产品产量没有明显增长,种植业收入持续下降、粮食等主要农产品的价格走低、农民从乡镇企业获得非农收入的增长幅度逐年减缓、农民收入来源单一、收入结构不尽合理、山川间农民收入发展不平衡、农民的不合理负担过重、低收入农产增速缓慢、贫困户比例大等方面分析了宁夏农民收入减缓的主要原因。 第三部分,利用回归分析法分析了影响不同区域和不同收入层次农户农民收入增长的主要因素以及影响农民收入增长的其它主要因素。 第四部分,在分析宁夏农民收入变化的基本特征以及影响农民收入增长的主要因素的基础上,提出了当前农民增收面临的主要矛盾,即:粮食等主要农产品的供求矛盾、小生产与大市场的矛盾、劳动力的充分供给与就业能力不足的矛盾、城乡二元经济结构的矛盾;农产品价格的提高对增加农民收入的作用越来越小、农业生产结构调整滞后于食品消费结构的变化,农民增产不增收、农村滞留的劳动力越来越多,难以实现规模经营、乡镇企业吸纳农村剩余劳动力的能力下降,使农民非农业收入减少。 第五部分,分析提出了解决农民收入问题的对策和途径:优化农业区域布局,大力调整农业生产结构;适应产业结构调整需要,增加生产投入,改善投资结构,提高投入产出效益;营造良好环境,积极引导、扶持农户非农产业快速发展;发挥耕地资源优势,提高耕地产出率;发挥劳动力资源优势,继续扩大规模转移农村剩余劳动力,增加农民家庭以外收入;加大生态建设力度,把改善交通条件放在优先地位,为增加农民收入创造条件;加大科技推广应用力度,切实提高科技对农民收入的贡献;大力发展农村流通中介组织,解决农业发展和农民增收的“瓶颈”等。

【Abstract】 It is well-known that the problems of agricultural development, agricultural economy and the peasants’ income has become one of the fundamental reasons to restrict the rapid advance of our country’s economy. "The three problems(about agriculture, country and farmer)" ,espacially the sustainable growth of farmers’ income, will directly contribute to the quality and level life for farmers, the long-tern stability and development of the nation. Since 1978, with the development of reforms and opening up, the farmers’ living standards of Ningxia have improved significantly and, in general, the rural areas are moving from the stage of being adequately fed and clothed to moderate level of prosperity. Nevertheless, since the mid-1990s, farmers’ income of Ningxia tend to decline continuously, which has not only hindered the process of building the well-off society, but also impacted the smooth realization of our grand objective to build an overall well-off society put forward to at 16th Party Congress. So it is very important to find the ways to increase farmers’ income of Ningxia.On the basis of detailed investigation concerning the constant changes and the characteristic of farmers’ incomes of Ningxia from the year 1978 to 2002, as well as a deep analysis of reasons about slowly-growth of farmers’ income and the facts which effect the increasing of farmers’ income by using the date and regression analysis, this thesis holds a view that there are many facts that cause the difficult growth of farmers’ incomes, we must give prominence to the principal contradiction, for examples , adjusting agricultural structure, transferring surplus labor forces in rural areas, developing second and third industry, improving farmers’ quality, reducing farmers’ burdens, and so on.This paper consists of five sectors:Section one: describing the feature of farmers’ income change of Ningxia.Section two: analysis of the reasons of slowly-growth of farmers’ income of Ningxia.Section three: analysis of the main facts that effect the increasing of farmers’ income by using the date and regression analysis.Section four: holding out the principal contradiction that effects the increasing of farmers’ income.Section five: describing the way and the method to enhance the farmer’s income of Ningxia.

  • 【分类号】F323.8
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】415