

The Evaluating System of Profit Quality of Chinese Listed Companies

【作者】 赵月

【导师】 葛长银;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 上市公司财务造假的事件屡见不鲜,其财务报告信息质量令人担忧。净利润以及以净利润为基础的评价指标作为评价上市公司盈利能力的重要指标,受到广大报表使用者的青睐,但是净利润以权责发生制为基础,很容易受到人为操纵。基于这种考虑,本文拟对我国上市公司的利润质量进行评价,并尝试建立一套我国上市公司利润质量的评价体系。 本文介绍了理论界对利润质量定义的各种不同看法,以此为基础,为利润质量下了一个比较全面的定义;以利润质量定义为核心,从利润的形成角度、构成角度和结果角度分别探讨利润的真实性、稳定性、持续性以及收现性;设计了反映上市公司利润质量的收现性指标、稳定性指标和持续性指标;选取银广夏作为一个典型的案例来分析,充分地验证了本文所设计指标的有效性;建立了上市公司利润质量评价的模型。 选取了沪、深两市40家样本上市公司,以其2000——2002年的年报为资料,通过因子分析法来确定上市公司利润质量评价体系的指标权重;按照综合因子得分对这40家上市公司的三年利润质量分别进行排序,分析其利润质量变化的原因,从实证角度验证了模型。 文中分析认为,只有在利润真实的基础上对公司做出的业绩评价才能反映公司的“本来面目”。目前我国对公司的业绩评价大都是建立在“利润真实”的基础上,如果公司的利润不真实,由此产生的业绩就可想而知。 本文的主要贡献在于提出了进行上市公司利润质量评价的重要性;尝试建立了一套考核上市公司利润质量的评价体系;通过实证分析予以验证,同时提出了一些相应的政策建议。

【Abstract】 The incidents that listed companies make the fake are of common occurrence, the financial report information quality of listed companies is troubling. Net profit and the evaluating indicators based on the net profit are regarded as important indexes of appraising the profit ability of listed companies, It has received the masses of financial report users’ favor, but because of the accrual basis, the net profit is very easy to be controlled artificially. So the thesis attempts to set up an evaluating system of our country’s listed companies to appraise the profit quality of them.The thesis introduces some kinds of views of definition of profit quality in this theory field, based on this, it gives us a comprehensive definition of the profit quality, then analyses the authenticity of the profit in terms of forming of the profit, the stability and continuation of the profit in terms of composition of the profit, the ability to obtain cash in terms of outcome of the profit. Then it designs the corresponding indexes. The thesis chooses a typical case to verify the validity of the indexes designed in the article. Finally, the thesis sets up the model of profit quality evaluation of listed companies.In the part of demonstration, the thesis chooses 40 sample listed companies in Shanghai andShenzhen securities business.With these 2000--2002 annual financial reports of the 40 listedcompanies, it obtains the proportion of the indexes by the means of factor analysis.Finally,it ranks the profit quality of the 40 listed companies, analyses the reason the profit quality changes, and verifies the evaluation model by demonstration.Only on the basis of the authenticity of profit,the performance evaluation of listed companies can reflect the truth.Now the performance evaluation of listed companies is set up on the basis of "authenticity of profit",if the profit of listed companies is inveracious,we can’t imagine what the performance will be.The main contribution of this thesis is to put forward the important meaning of evaluating the profit quality of listed companies, attempt to set up an evaluating system of listed companies’ profit quality, and verify the evaluation model by means of demonstration, put forward some corresponding policy recommendations.

  • 【分类号】F275
  • 【被引频次】10
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