

A Discussion on the Planning and Designing of Urban River Front Landscape

【作者】 张毅

【导师】 张建林;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 世界上几大河流区域孕育了古文明,城市从产生便与河流密不可分。淡水是人类生存最基本的要素之一,对生存要素最原始的需求,仿佛是无形的绳索.将城市与河流牢牢捆绑在一起。随着生产力发展,城市与河流关系也在发生微妙的变化。如今,进入了把河流空间相关领域规划纳入城市规划领域的时代。 城市滨河景观规划设计,结合园林学、城市规划原理、建筑学、美学、大众心理学等相关学科领域研究成果与方法,一般包括以下几方面:城市规划布局与河流的形态关系;城市滨河空间围合度控制;滨河景观建设前先对城市滨河环境合理改造;积极利用城市滨河景观自然要素;城市滨河人工景观的规划设计;城市滨河人文景观规划设计等。 本文选择成都市区滨河景观作为研究对象,成都是历史悠久的文化名城,古成都因水而兴。如今,成都市滨河景观建设成就辉煌,获三项联合国大奖,成都市滨河景观规划设计的特点有: 1、成都市区骨干河流“府南河”绕城而走,环抱市区,其城市规划格局深受影响,城市道路网以环形为骨架呈放射状组织,沿河公园绿地依附河流形态有机布置。 2、成都十分重视滨河环境治理,城市“府南河”就先进行大规模改造后,才得以建设良好的滨河景观。沙河景观建设未开始,环境治理工程已进行。 3、保证了滨河空间可达性,沿河道路系统完整。 4、滨河景观规划时,十分重视人文景观的营造,很好的维护杜甫草堂、望江楼等有纪念价值的景区,沿河小游园的建设也积极利用雕塑、小品、小型设施,反映当地传统文化。 但是,成都市区滨河景观规划也存在诸多不足,其中某些问题没有引起足够重视,以致许多城市效仿成都滨河景观建设也暴露出同样的缺点。 本文综合分析研究成都市区滨河景观规划设计,希望研究成果对其它城市滨河景观规划有所帮助。文章主要结果如下: 1、城市总体规划布局应与城市河流形态有机结合。 2、积极保护、利用滨河自然景观要素。 3、尽可能开发河流近水面空间,丰富景观层次。河流中有沙洲、孤岛的城市应采取保护措施。 4、城市滨河空间是城市开放空间,规划应保持其开敞性。本文总结“滨河恒等式”,针对城市骨干河流水系(河宽大于或等于40米)控制其空间围合度。H(滨河建筑高度),D(滨河建筑离河岸距离),D′(滨河建筑离河对岸距离),α(人在河边看河对岸景物仰视角度)。 H:D≈1:1;H:D′ ≈1:2 α≈27°三个等式同时满足,称为“滨河恒等式”。 5、滨河区标志性景观周围建立视觉保护区,H(标志性景观高度),D(标志性景观与周围高层建筑距离),R(标志性景观保护区半径) 中文摘要口闰和翩自.曰.....口..翻口画..班旦..口..皿卑里..早旦...亘匕里里..里..~.里.,旦,.里里~..叫一,....蕉甲....旦.....翩 ①当H>30米时,D、H ②当H<30米,R、6H 6、保持城市河道岸线弯曲蜿蜒自身特性,沿河公共绿地应依附河道凹凸特性有机布置。 7、河道常水值低的城市不宜建设高实壁岸,景观效果较差,宜采用多级台阶式设计,增加大众亲水空间,同时也可缓解驳岸设计时防洪与景观的矛盾。另外,在适宜河段考虑生态驳岸 8、城市主千道或次干道沿河布置宜采取立体设计,保护滨河空间完整性。城市滨河沿岸步行道路设计有曲折性,反映“虽由人作,宛自天开”传统意境。时而靠近河岸,时而远离,表现出一定韵律变化。 9、建立滨河区域传统建筑景观圈,宣扬城市特色。 10、滨河区广场形状规划依据河流形态设计成块状(圆形或方形)或带状,空间设计上使用下沉方式处理,可提高空间利用率。 11、城市滨河绿地分布应在全市平面范围内较均匀布分布,保持城市景观生态的异质性。 12、城市骨干河流(宽度)40米),规划滨河线型绿地平均宽度宜取30米,最低不少于8米,其断面宜采用复合式结构。 13、城市滨河景观应充分挖掘当地人文历史特征,具有个性特色。

【Abstract】 The big rivers gave birth to the ancient world civilization, and cities could not be separated from rivers at the moment when they came into existing. Fresh water is one of the basic factors for the survival of human beings, which helps fasten the cities to rivers. With the development of productive forces, the relationship between city and river begins to have some changes. Nowadays, the city planning begins to involve the river front scenery into the whole designing.The planning and designing of river front landscape of urban adopts the research achievements and methods of the concerning fields like landscape architecture, city planning, architecture, aesthetics as well as public psychology. And it mainly focuses on: the relationship between city planning and river shape; How to keep the river front space open; improvement of the environment along the rivers before the establishment of river front landscape; taking active use of the natural factors of river front landscape; the planning and designing of artificial landscape; the planning and designing of humanistic landscape.This paper is going to select the planning and designing of river front landscape in Chengdu urban as the research focus. Chengdu is a well-known cultural city with a long history, and the ancient Chengdu flourished because of rivers. The present Chengdu has gained great achievements on the river front landscape establishment and it has been rewarded 3 prizes by United Nations. And the planning and designing of river front landscape in Chengdu has following characteristics.1 .Funan River, the main river in Chengdu urban flows around the city and the city planning isinfluenced by the river shape.. The ichnograph of the urban sysytrem of roads looks like links and the greenery patches are harmoniously established along the river.2.Chengdu urban pays great attention to the environment improvement along the river. And the establishment of river front scenery comes after the river environment improvement.3.To ensure the accessibility of riverside, Chengdu urban has established a complete road system.4 .Pays great attention to the establishment of humanistic landscape during the planning and designing. The cultural sites like Du Fu Cottage, Wangjianglou has been well preserved. And in the riverside gardens, some stone architects with poems carved in also represent the local traditional culture.However, there still exists some defects in the establishment of river front landscape in Chengdu, and some of them are not seriously taken into consideration, which results in that many other cities follow the planning and designing of river front landscape in Chengdu and inevitably have some defects.This paper is going to have an integrated analysis on the planning and designing of river front landscape in Chengdu, and it is hoped that the research achievements may help contribute to the planning and designing of river front landscape in other cities. The research achievements come as follows:1.The overall city planning should be integrated with the river shape in the urban.2.Take good use of natural river front landscape.3.Suggest establishing close-to-river landscape to increase the layers of the landscape. The shoals and isolated islands in the river should be protected.4.The river front space must be wide, and open to the society. The author summarized a formula called river front identical formula. H means the river front construction, D means the distance between river front constructions and river bank, D’ means the distance between river front construction and the river bank on the other side, a means the angle of the visual line from the spot near the river bank and horizon. River front formula is made up of these three equations: H : D≈1: 1: H : D’ ≈1 : 2 a 27°.5. It is important to create an area to protect the indicate scene. These are some equations showed howto do so. H means the height of the indicate scene, D means the distance between the scene and high buildings, R means the radius of t

  • 【分类号】TU985
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