

Research on Effect and Mechanism of Spraying Leaf Fertilizer with Inorganic Nutrients upon Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves

【作者】 陈莉华

【导师】 袁德厚;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 植物营养, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 烤烟生产中,由于土壤养分释放状况与烤烟吸肥规律并不一致,单一的土壤施肥并不能达到改善烟叶品质的目的,而成本低、肥效快的叶面肥可以针对烤烟不同生长发育期各异的养分需求特点,配合土壤施肥,协调烟叶自身营养状况,改善烟叶内在品质,进而提高烤烟经济效益。 本试验针对烤烟整个生长发育过程中不同的营养规律,在烤烟生长苗期、团稞—旺长期和打顶后的生理成熟营养转型期各设计了三种不同组合的叶面肥(A、B、C),并在决定叶片生长和品质的重要时期,即叶片旺长期和生理成熟期,又各设计了三种不同浓度组合的叶面肥(B1、B2、B3,C1、C2、C3),进行多重组合比较试验,目的在于研究烤烟叶面肥不同无机营养组合、量比等在营养生长期中的效应和调控烤烟内在品质的作用,以期为烟草叶面肥的进一步研制、开发提供理论依据。试验结果如下: 1.烤烟叶面肥营养效应机理探讨 1.1 烤烟叶面肥分型的依据 烤烟是以收获叶片为目的的栽培作物,其营养生长主要分为3个阶段,是烤烟叶面肥分生育阶段组合的理论依据。苗期施用A型叶面肥后,叶片进入旺长期前的全氮含量较对照处理增加23.72%,烟苗生长良好;团稞期—旺长期B型叶面肥组合的施用,烤烟叶面积较对照平均增加12.09%,烘烤后的单叶重平均增加13.18%,促进了烤烟快速旺长;生理成熟期施用C型组合,其上等烟率比对照平均增加了31.32%,有利于烟叶的正常生理成熟。 1.2 营养转型期效应机理探讨 烤烟打顶后,氮代谢下降,淀粉累积迅速增加,是决定烤烟品质极为重要的时期。在这一时期施用C型组合,其结果使烟叶外观质量和内在化学成分较为协调,上等烟率平均提高31.32%,均价平均提高18.24%,内在化学成分比例皆符合优质烟范围,感官质量中、上部烟叶总分平均增加4.99%,且上部烟叶质量接近中部烟叶水平。 1.3 烤烟叶面营养的时效性和短期效应 烤烟叶面营养的时效性和短期效应是合理施用叶面肥的依据。本试验表明,A型施用后,西南农业大学硕士学位论文在烤烟生长后期无效应,B型施用对烟叶生长效果明显,C型施用仅对于分层落黄,化学成分协调等,表现出在施用上的时效性和短期效应。2.对烤烟生长的效应及影响2.!对叶片生长的效应及影响: 本试验结果中,叶面肥施用后叶片生长效应明显。打顶后10d,各叶肥处理最大叶面积较对照的变幅范围为一22.82%23.72%,其中烤烟生理成熟期喷施的C:、CZ和C3,其最大叶面积分别低于对照处理5.1%、10.13%和22.82%,这说明错时供给无机养分,不但不能促进烤烟叶片生长,还有可能起到制约叶片生长的作用。2.2对烤烟经济指标的影响 产值:本试验中叶面营养对烤烟产值的促进效果达到了显著和极显著水平。各叶肥处理产值的平均增幅为40.33%。但其增值效应,有待试验进一步证实. 均价:在对烤烟均价的影响中,打顶后叶面肥C的喷施效果较为显著,均价平均提高18.24%。其原因可能是由于在烤烟生理成熟期有利于控制氮代谢转为促进碳代谢所致。 上等烟率:试验中各处理的上等烟率较对照处理平均提高35.69%,其中处理14(B3+C2)增幅最大,达54.69%。3.对烘烤后烟叶内在品质的效应及影响: 本试验中,高N组合叶面肥的施用,并不致提高烘烤后烟叶的全N含量,如处理2(A)的烟叶全N含量还有所下降,降幅达5.90%,这一结果是有利于提高烤烟上等烟率的。 对于烘烤后烟叶的全P含量,本试验中各处理均有所下降,平均降幅为15.86%,其中中部烟叶全P含量降幅最大的处理是叶面肥组合A+B+C,平均降幅达26.67%。 试验结果显示,中部烟叶的全K含量的提高,不能直接依靠喷施K素比例高的叶面肥或叶面肥组合,而是需要遵循叶片生长阶段的不同营养规律,采用不同组合,方可获得好的效果。对上部烟叶来说,试验中单纯改变无机营养组合,无助于提高上部烟叶的含钾量。 本试验中,喷施叶面肥对烤烟总糖、烟碱、cl一’含量无不良影响,各处理平均含量为23.33%、2.02%和0.14%,符合优质烟范围。 本试验中处理9,10,11(A+B+c)和处理12(B!祀3)对烟叶各微量元素含量变化的影响较为明显,但并未通过这一变化发现微量元素对烟叶生长和品质的直接影响。本试验结果中,施用叶面肥组合对烟叶化学成分派生值,特别是在提高上部烟叶品质的 摘要各项指标上,也取得了较好的效果,达到了优质烟叫的要求。 各处理中、上部烟叶感官质量的总分均高于对照,平均增加2.59%和7.40%,其中以香气质对总分影响较大。4.对烟田土壤养分含量的影响: 本试验中,各叶肥处理的土壤全N、P分别比对照下降13.28%和20.66%,土壤有效养分与对照相比,却没有明显改变,这正符合烤烟营养规律对土壤养分变化的需求。因为土壤N肥效应滞后,易使烤烟打顶后贪青晚熟,P过剩则叶片过厚,组织紧实,使烟叶不易烘烤,中、上等烟率下降。

【Abstract】 In the tobacco production, the measure of only using fertilizers in soil can not improve the quality of tobacco because soil nutrients releasing is not coincident with the nutrients absorb rules of tobacco, and the leaf fertilizer with low cost and high effect can harmonize the nutrients of tobacco leaf and improve the economic benefit of tobacco under assorting with soil fertilizer.Aim at the rules of nutrients absorbing during whole growth process of tobacco, we designed three different combined leaf fertilizer(A, B, C) and the using periods of these leaf fertilizer are juvenile phase, rapid growth phase and maturation phase respectively; and disgned leaf fertilizers (B], B2, B3, C1, C2, C3) with different consistency used in rapid growth phase and maturation phase. The aim was to find out the effect of these fertilizers to tobacco, and to search out the effect and function of different combinations and quantity ratio of leaf fertilizers in growth period and inner quality controlling of tobacco. We hope can provide the theory for development of leaf fertilizer of tobacco. The results of test are as follow:1. effect and mechanism discussing of tobacco leaf fertilizer using1.1 the basis of different types tobacco leaf fertilizer designingThe aim of tobacco planting is to reap with leaves, and there are three periods in tobacco growing process. In the juvenile phase, the total N in tobacco leaves is 23.72% higher than CK and the tobacco growth well; In rapid growth phase, the balance of nutrient is important, so the leaf area of B leaf fertilizer is increased 12.09% than CK and the increment of weight of single tobacco leaf is 13.18%, the effect of promoting tobacco growth is distinct. In the maturation phase, the results of spraying C leaf fertilizers were increasing first calss rate tobacco leaves 31.23% than CK and the highest increasing extend is 41.43%.1.2 phase of nutrient transferringThe period after cutting top of tobacco is very important to form the quality of tobacco with the characters of N metabolize is descended, the amylum is accumulated quickly, and this is the reason of C leaf fertilizer designing. The result of C fertilizer using is that the average of first class rate tobacco increased 31.32%, the average price increased 18.24%, the chemical components are all in the range of tobacco with good quality, the smoking quality of top and middle tobacco leavesincreased 4.99% in which the top leaves increased 2.59% and the quality of top leaves is close to the quality of middle tobacco leaves.1.3 the occasion and short-term effect to tobacco leaves nutrientThe reasonable using of leaf fertilizers must fit for the using occasion and shor-term effect. The results of test showed that there was no effect after using A leaf fertilizer, the effect of using B leaf fertilizer was obvious and C leaf fertilizer only effected coordinating chemical component of tobacco leaves. These results showed that the occasion and short-term effect of tobacco.2.the effect to leaf fertilizer to tobacco growthing2.1 the effect to tobacco leavesThe results after using leaf fertilizer showed that the effect to leaf growth was obvious. Compared with CK, the changing extent of biggest leaf area was -22.82%~23.72% and the biggest leaf area of C1, C2and C3 were lower 5.1%, 10.13% and 22.82% than controlled treatment in 10d after cutting top. The results showed that providing the inorganic nutrients in the wrong time, we can not prmote the growth of tobacco leaves and even restrain the growth of leaf fertilizer.2.2 the effect to flue-cured tobacco economic indexOutput value: in this test, the promoting effect of leaf fetilizer was significant and most significant. The increasing extent of output value average of leaf fertilizer was 40.33%. But the incremental result of this test should be proved by the test in the future.Average price: the average price of C leaf ferlitizer was 18.24% and the increment was more significant. The reason maybe was that transferring N metabolize to C metaboli

【关键词】 烤烟无机营养叶面肥机理研究
【Key words】 Flue-cured tobaccoInorganic NutrientLeaf fertilizerMechanismResearch
  • 【分类号】S572
  • 【被引频次】2
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