

【作者】 霍沁建

【导师】 石孝均; 关博谦;

【作者基本信息】 西南农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 采用调查研究、田间试验和室内分析相结合的方法,对重庆市主要植烟县(市)的土壤和烟叶含氯量进行了调查研究,弄清了重庆市主要植烟县(市)土壤、烟叶氯素含量现状;根据调查结果于2002~2003年在重庆市武隆县黄壤和紫色土上进行了不同施氯量的田间试验,研究氯对烤烟生长、养分吸收和品质的影响,为烤烟的合理施肥和重庆市优质烟叶的生产提供科学依据。主要试验结果如下: 重庆植烟土壤含氯量低,平均为13.4 mg/kg(n=1441),变幅为痕量~99.7mg/kg。根据烟草总公司在烟草种植区划中对土壤氯素含量的规定:土壤含氯量>45mg/kg,不适宜烟草种植:土壤含氯量≤30mg/kg,最适宜植烟。重庆最适宜烟草种植的土壤占90.0%;不适宜烟草种植的土壤仅占3.7%:严重缺氯的土壤(Cl≤2mg/kg)占19.2%:可能缺氯的土壤(Cl≤10mg/kg)占50.0%。重庆植烟土壤主要包括黄壤、黄棕壤、石灰土、紫色土和水稻土,以黄壤的种植面积最大,占植烟土壤的75.6%,不同类型土壤平均含氯量依次为黄壤15.2mg/kg>石灰土12.8mg/kg>黄棕壤5.6mg/kg>紫色土5.3mg/kg>水稻土1.8mg/kg。从不同植烟县(市)土壤含氯量看,以石柱、丰都最低,平均含量为2.6mg/kg,严重缺氯土壤占57.0%、55.7%;其次是武隆,平均含氯量为5.8mg/kg;其它县(市)土壤含氯量在10.0~22.0mg/kg范围内。 重庆市烟叶含氯量很低,平均为0.70g/kg,变幅0.11~9.19g/kg。有99%的烟叶样本含氯量低于优质烟叶要求的含氯下限(3g/kg),缺氯(烟叶含氯量<0.25g/kg)的烤烟样本占22.5%;仅有0.5%的烟叶样本含氯量在优质烟叶要求的最适宜含氯量(3.00~6.00g/kg)范围内。以石柱、黔江烟叶含氯量最低。 2年的试验结果一致表明,施氯量在0~45.0 kg/hm2范围内,烤烟产量、上等烟比例和产值都随着施氯量的增加而提高。当施氯量>60.0 kg/hm2时,各项指标又有下降的趋势。在所有的处理中,以施氯量45.0kg/hm2的处理烤烟生长势、烟叶产量、上等烟比例、产值最佳。 烟叶含氯量随施氯量的提高而增加,二者呈直线或指数相关。在地膜覆盖栽培条件下,施氯量在30.0~45.0kg/km2范围内,各部位烟叶含氯量最佳为3.0-4.4g/kg:露地栽培则以施氯量在45.0~60.0kg/km2范围内,烟叶含氯量比较适中为2.10-5.00g/kg;当施氯量小于30.0kg/km2时,无论是地膜或露地栽培烟叶含氯量都低于3.00g/kg。从烟叶含氯量来看,也以施氯量45.0kg/hm2的处理最好。不同部位烟叶氯素含量高低为上部叶>下部叶>中部叶。施氯有降低烟叶硫素含量,增加烟叶钙、镁、铁、锰、铜、锌含量的趋势。 适量施氯提高了烟叶总糖和还原糖含量;降低了上部和下部烟叶烟碱及总氮含量,对中部烟叶影响较小:烟叶各化学成分的比例:施木克值、K2O/Cl、总糖/烟碱以及烟碱/总氮比更为协调,改善了烟叶品质。 氯在土壤中的残留量及其动态变化,两年的试验结果明显不同。2002年各施氯处理烤烟西南农业大学硕士学位论文摘要收获后土壤含氯量明显比试验前高,即氯在土壤中有一定的残留;但是所有处理烤烟收获后土壤氯素含量都小于30.0m眺g,仍然适合烤烟种植。2003年在黄壤上无论是地膜栽培或露地栽培,烤烟收获后土壤含氯量与试验前相当,氯素在土壤中残留少。造成2年试验结果差异的原因除了土壤性质外,降雨量和降雨强度影响了氯素在土壤中残留和淋失,2003年烤烟生长的5一6月降雨量比2002年高300mm。在不同气候年景,施用含氯肥料后残留在土壤中的氯是否对下一年的烤烟生产有影响,有待进一步研究。

【Abstract】 The contents of chlorine in tobacco-planting soils and tobacco leaves, as well as the effect of different C1 application on the growth, nutrient absorbed and quality of tobacco were studied by investigation, field experiments and laboratory analysis in Chongqing. The purposes of this study were to understand the status of chlorine content in tobacco-planting soil and tobacco leaves, in order to provide detailed information for improving the quality of flue-cured tobacco leaves in Chongqing. The main results were as follows:The content of chlorine in various tobacco-planting soils was low, which average content was 13.4mg/kg with the range of trace to 99.7mg/kg in Chongqing. The chlorine contents in 90% of the soil samples were lower than 30mg/kg, which was very fit for tobacco planting. The chlorine contents in 3.7% of the soils were more than 45mg/kg and were not fit for tobacco planting according to the Handbook of Tobacco Planting Division. However, the chlorine contents in some soils were less than 2mg/kg that occupied 19.2% in the soils in the investigation regions, the chlorine was deficient, there were 50% chlorine potential deficient soils which chlorine content less than 10mg/lg. The yellow soil was a dominant tobacco planting soil, its proportion in the tobacco-planting soil accounts for 75.6% in Chongqing. The chlorine content in different soil types showed the order of yellow soil (15.2mg/kg) >lime soil (12.8mg/kg) >pale brown soil (5.6mg/kg)>purple soil (5.3mg/kg)>rice soil (1.8mg/kg).In the tobacco planting regions in Chongqing, the average chlorine content that was 2.6mg/kg in soil was the lowest in Fengdu and Shizhu county, the chlorine deficiency soils were in the proportion of 57.0% and 55.7%,respectively. The average content of chlorine in soil that was 5.8mg/kg was lower in Wulong county. In other counties, the chlorine content in soil was in the range of 10.0~22.0mg/kg.The content of chlorine in tobacco leaves was very low, which average content was 0.7g/kg with the range of 0.11g/kg to 9.19g/kg in Chongqing. The chlorine contents in 99% of the leaves samples were lower than 3.0mg/kg, which was the lower limit that demand of high quality tobacco leaves. The chlorine content in tobacco leaves were less than 0.25g/kg that occupied 19.2% in the investigation regions, the chlorine was deficient. The chlorine contents only 0.5% leaves samples were range 3.0g/kg to 6.0g/kg, which was the fit chlorine content of high quality tobacco leaves.Two years’ results indicated that the proportion of first class tobacco leaves, the yield and the output value of tobacco raised with the increasing of chlorine application. There were decreasing trend of the quality indexes when chlorine application more than 60.0kg/hm2. Among all treatments, the growth status, yield, output value and the proportion of first class leaves of tobacco were the bestwhen application of 45.0mg/kg chlorine.The chlorine content of tobacco leaves raised with the increasing of chlorine application, which were straight line or index correlation. Under the condition of film-covering, leaves chlorine content of each part .which were 3.00~4.40g/kg ,was the best when the chlorine applied from 30.0~45.0mg/km2 in soil. But uncovered, leaves chlorine content of each part , which were 2.10~5.00g/kg, was moderate ,when the chlorine applied from 45.0~60.0mg/km2 in soil, when the chlorine applied less than 30.0mg/km2 in soil, the leaves chlorine content were lower than 3.00g/kg under the above two conditions. According the leaves chlorine content, the treatment of Cl application with 45.0mg/kg in soil was the best. The leaves chlorine content in different parts showed the order of upper>middle>lower. The leaves sulphur content decrease and the content of Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn of leaves increased with the application of chlorine fertilizer.The contents of total sugars and reduced sugars in the tobacco leaves were increased by application of proper chlorine, and decrease the content of nicotine and total nitrogen of upper as

【关键词】 烤烟品质土壤重庆市
【Key words】 Chlorineflue-cured tobaccoqualitysoilchongqing
  • 【分类号】S153
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】146