

The Comprehensive Evaluation of Agro-related Enterprises’ Running Effect in Agricultural Industrialization

【作者】 李永青

【导师】 李洪建;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 自然地理学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,中国农业和农村经济取得了突飞猛进的发展,但要向更高层次迈进,必须改变传统的农业发展模式,发展农业产业化经营。发展农业产业化经营,关键是培育具有市场开拓能力、能进行农产品深度加工、为农民提供服务和带动农产发展商品生产的龙头企业。作为农业产业化的主要组成部分,涉农企业在农业和农村经济中的作用越来越突出。但是,涉农企业的经营模式不同,经营对象各异,经营水平差异较大,因此需要建立一套具有科学性和合理性的企业评价指标体系,对涉农企业的生产经营活动水平进行综合评价,并对企业未来发展趋势进行预测,从而为龙头企业的选择和农业产业化经营提供服务。 本研究以晋中市20家涉农企业为研究对象,调查了它们在2001年和2002年的经营状况。在专家咨询的基础上,建立了一套具有3个层次,6个方面,16项具体指标的综合评价指标体系。应用这一体系对所调查企业的经营状况进行评价。首先,通过层次分析法确定指标体系中16项具体指标的权重,并采用加权算术平均法确定6项评价指标的评价结果;然后,结合GWBASIC和SPSS软件对六个方面指标进行主成分分析,得出各企业的主成分得分;最后,通过聚类的方法将调查的20家涉农企业分为五种不同的发展类型:1)高发展水平、高潜力型企业;2)高发展水平、低潜力型企业;3)高发展水平、无潜力型企业:4)低发展水平、高潜力型企业;和5)低发展水平、无潜力型企业。 分析结果表明,所调查的20家涉农企业中,高发展水平、高潜力型的企业有7家;高发展水平、低潜力型的企业有2家;高发展水平、无潜力型的企业有6家;低发展水平、高潜力型的企业有3家;低发展水平、无潜力型的企业有2家。从发展水平看,20家涉农企业中,高发展水平的企业有15家,占总数的75%,说明企业目前的经营状况较好;但是从发展潜力来分析,潜力较高的企业仅有10家,占总数的50%,说明企业未来的发展前景不容乐观。应当引起企业和政府有关部门的重视。 针对每一发展类型的特点和存在的问题,提出不同的发展战略。对于高潜力型企业应该采取增长发展战略。政府应该将重点放在对高潜力型企业的管理和扶持上,发挥其最大潜力,尽快将其培养成为带动地区经济发展的龙头企业。对于低潜力型企业应该采取稳定发展战略,并使其逐步向高潜力型企业转变;而对于无潜力型企业应该采取防御战略,逐步调整产品结构,摆脱被动局面。 本研究结果对于涉农企业的发展、龙头企业的选择培育和农业产业化经营的发展具有一定的理论和实践价值,其指标体系和评价方法可在同类地区试用。

【Abstract】 The great progress in agriculture and rural economy has been made since the reform and opening to the outside world in China. However, for their further development the traditionally developmental model must be changed and the agricultural industrialization should be developed.The key to the development of agricultural industrialization is to cultivate pilot enterprises that can widen markets, carry through agro-products’ deep process, offer services to the farmers and lead the;armers to develop rural production. As an important component the agro-related enterprise plays more and more role in the development of agriculture and rural economy. But, because of the difference of management model and of objects they engaged in, it is difficult to evaluate an enterprise by a single factor. So in order to evaluate enterprise’s management level, a set of scientifically and practically systemic evaluation methods must be established, with them to make a comprehensive evaluation and to predict its development future.The author of this paper took 20 agro-related enterprises in Jinzhong City as research objects and made an on-the-spot investigation about their running details in the year 2001 and 2002. Based the data investigated and consulting experts an indicator system with three levels, six aspects and sixteen idiographic indicators were constructed. With the system the author made an evaluation about the running effect of the enterprises. Firstly, the weighted value of every idiographic indicator in this system was established by analytical hierarchy process, and weighted arithmetic average was used to determine the analysis results of the indicators’ values of six aspects. Then the principal component analysis were used to calculate the principal component values of twenty enterprises that can be divided into five developmental types according to their principal component values.The five types were as follows: 1) highly developmental level and highly potential type; 2) highly developmental level and lower potential type; 3) highly developmental level and no potential type; 4) low developmental level and highly potential type; 5) low developmental level and no potential type. The analysis results showed that among the twenty enterprises investigated there were seven enterprises belonging to type 1; two, type 2; six, type 3; three, type 4 and two, type 5, respectively.The analysis only from the present developing level showed that there were 15 enterprises belonging to highly developmental level, which accounts for 75% of all investigated enterprises. This percentage also indicated that at the present three fourths of the enterprises run well. But the analysis from developmental potential of the enterprises showed that there were only 50% of all enterprises belonging to highly developmental potential, which showed that the developmental future of half the enterprises was not very good.According to the analysis results different enterprises should take different measures. For the highly potential enterprises the increasing strategy should be taken, and the government shouldpay more attention to their management and support and let them to perform their highest potential and play a leading role to the development of the region’s economy. For the lower potential enterprises the steady develop strategy should be taken and promote them gradually to turn forward highly developmental types. And for the enterprises without potential defensive strategy should be taken. They should make industrial structure adjustment gradually and get rid of the passive situation.The research results are of theoretical and practical value to the development of the agro-related enterprises, selection and cultivation of the pilot enterprises as well as the development of agricultural industrialization management. The indicator system used in this study can be expanded in similar regions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】F324
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】200