

American Influence on Sino-Soviet Relations, 1949-1959

【作者】 李莉

【导师】 宋晓芹;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 世界史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪50年代,是国际关系史上以美苏为首的两大阵营从激烈对抗走向对话的十年。作为这一时期重要的双边关系,中苏关系走过了一段“结盟、蜜月、分歧”的曲折路程,并对当时的国际关系产生了巨大影响。分析这十年中苏关系的发展演变,除了要考虑两国自身的因素外,美国对中苏关系的影响也是一个至关重要的外部因素。本文着重对1949-1959年中苏关系发展变化过程中美国作为一个外部因素对中苏关系的影响进行一些初步探讨。 论文包括绪论、正文、结语、注释及参考文献。 正文由三部分组成,分别以中苏关系发展的三个阶段为线索,来探讨美国旨在分裂中苏的“楔子战略”在中苏关系发展的不同阶段是如何调整、实施的,产生了什么样的后果,并讨论导致这些后果的原因。 文章认为,美国作为一个外部因素,在50年代中苏关系的历史演变中发挥了重要作用,对中苏关系影响深远。在以美苏为首的两大阵营冷战对峙的背景之下,美国从遏制苏联的全球战略利益出发,在制订对外政策、对待中苏关系时始终坚持分裂中苏关系,设法在中苏间打入“楔子”。由于国际环境的不同和国内政治形势的变化,在中苏关系发展演变的不同阶段,“楔子战略”的侧重点、实施手段并不完全相同,达到的效果也有所差异。在第一个阶段,美国把中国作为突破口,试图通过“以和促变”的手段来达到阻止中苏结盟的目标,但这一目标随着《中苏友好同盟互助条约》的签订而宣告破产。在第二个阶段,美国仍把重点放在中国身上,试图通过“以压促变”的手段来达到长远分裂中苏同盟的目标,但这一目标随着中苏关系进入“蜜月”阶段亦告失败。在第三个阶段,美国把重点放在苏联身上,试图通过“软硬分施”的手段来达到推动中苏同盟走向分裂的目标。美国的这一手段激化了中苏矛盾,加剧了中苏分歧,初步达到了预期的目标,“楔子战略”取得了一定的效果。

【Abstract】 In the 1950s, Sino-Soviet relations experienced a complicated process of "alliance, ’honeymoon’ and divergence" and had a great influence on international relations at that time. It is certain for us to pay much attention to their own domestic situations when the evolution of Sino-Soviet relations in this decade is to be analysed. But what we still have to pay attention to is that international situations exactly had a great influence on Sino-Soviet relations in this period. America was considered as the most important country having influenced on Sino-Soviet relations in this period. It is just the main issue discussed in this thesis.The thesis consists of introduction, the text, the conclusion and the references.The text is divided into three parts, in each of which the goals, methods and effects of American "wedge-driving" strategy of cracking Sino-Soviet relations are to be explored . At the last of each part, a summary of what caused these effects is given.It’ s concluded that U.S. played an important role in Sino-Soviet relations in the 1950s. Under the background of the Cold War, American government persisted in pursuing the "wedge-driving" strategy and attempted to drive a "wedge" between China and the Soviet Union. For the sake of the change of international situations and their own domestic situations, American "wedge-driving" strategy had its different goals, methods and effects in each stage of Sino-Soviet relations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】K153
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】504