

On the Legal Issues of Government Procurement in China under the WTO Frame

【作者】 宋睿

【导师】 马卫华;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 经济法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 政府采购是一种高效、先进的财政资金分配、使用、管理制度,同时也是各国政府实现经济与社会政策目标的重要宏观调控手段。现阶段完善我国政府采购法律制度是履行我国加入WTO承诺的必然要求,是建立健全与国际接轨的社会主义财政法律制度的内在需要,更是全面促进我国经济社会发展的客观需求。 本文系统论述了如何在WTO框架下完善我国政府采购法律制度。通过对我国政府采购法律制度的分析,对国际政府采购立法的比较研究,提出了以WTO《政府采购协议》为依据,针对我国经济社会发展现状,借鉴国际政府采购立法经验,完善我国政府采购法律制度的立法设想。文章主要分为引言、第一章、第二章、第三章、第四章、结论六部分。 引言部分简述了加入WTO对我国的重要意义及政府采购面临的新形势,分析了现阶段完善政府采购法律制度的重要理论与实践意义。第一章首先论述了政府采购的一般性理论,对政府采购的发展渊源、特征、原则与功能作用进行了多角度分析;对WTO《政府采购协议》的发展渊源和主要内容进行了全面介绍与分析。第二章通过比较的方式,对诸多国际组织和国家完善的政府采购规则与法律制度进行了深入研究。第三章深入分析了我国政府采购现状与现行政府采购法律制度,探析我国现阶段政府采购制度实践与立法中存在的诸多问题以及与WTO法律规则的冲突之处。第四章针对我国政府采购法律制度存在的问题,深入论证我国完善政府采购法律制度应坚持的立法指导思想,并就现阶段完善我国政府采购法律制度提出立法设想。结论部分再次简述利用有限的过渡期,积极完善政府采购法律制度对于我国现阶段经济社会发展与法制建设的重大意义,指出不断完善的政府采购法律制度必将对我国经济建设与社会发展发挥更加巨大的法制保障与促进作用。

【Abstract】 Government procurement is an efficient, advanced financial management system and a macro-control means that contributing to the realization of economic and social policies and purposes. Perfecting the legal system of government procurement in China is the objective requirement of fulfilling the promises of joining the WTO, establishing and consummating socialistic financial legal system and accelerating the development of economy and society.This essay discusses how to perfect the legal system of government procurement in China under the WTO frame. Through analysing the legal system of government procurement, comparing the international legislation of government procurement, this essay points out that we should adjust to the Government Procurement Agreement, accord to our national economic and social conditions, use international legal system as reference. This essay consists of preface, chapter one to chapter four and conclusion.In preface, this essay discusses the significance of joining WTO and the new situation of government procurement, pointing out the theoretic and realistic significance of perfecting of the legal system of government procurement. Chapter one introduces the origination, characters, principles and economic social functions of government procurement, discusses the development and content of the Government Procurement Agreement. Chapter two studies and compares current advanced international legal systems of government procurement. Chapter three analyses the legal system of government procurement in China, points out that it still has many problems and violates the promise required by WTO in some places. Accorder to these defects existing in the legal system of government procurement, chapter four demonstrates the basic and correct guiding ideologies we should persevere in, puts forward some legal suggestions on how to perfect the legal system of government procurement. The conclusion reaffirms the significance of perfecting of the legal system of government procurement in the period of transition for the development of economy, society and the perfection of legal system.

【关键词】 WTO政府采购比较研究立法设想
【Key words】 the WTOGovernment Procurementcomparisonlegal suggestions
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】D922.2;D996
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】276