

A Study on Dynamic Characteristics of 2K-V Gear Reducer

【作者】 严细海

【导师】 张策; 李充宁;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 2K-V型行星传动是由2K-H型行星传动和K-H-V型行星传动复合而成的一种新型行星传动机构,它兼顾了2K-H负号机构的高效率和少齿差传动的大速比的特点,属于一种少齿差行星传动。该传动被广泛应用于机器人传动中,是一种刚度高、动态性能良好的传动形式。但国内对于2K-V型减速机的动力学性能的研究尚不充分,本文主要对其动力学特性进行研究。用集中参数法建立了2K-V减速机的动力学模型。每个构件具有三个自由度,即两个径向平移自由度和一个转动自由度。除考虑齿轮啮合刚度、轴的扭转刚度外,还考虑了轴承刚度这一因素对于系统动力学特性的影响。推导出了系统的动力学方程,对该方程可适当改造,可以得到包含结构误差和啮合误差等因素的动力学方程,为进一步分析2K-V型减速机的动力学特性打下基础。确定了2K-V减速机动力学模型系统中的参数计算方法。用变截面悬臂梁法计算了渐开线直齿轮的啮合刚度;圆弧齿针轮的啮合刚度值非常大,可对其值进行估取,并在实例计算中验证了这一做法的可行性。计算了圆弧齿2K-V6型减速机的固有频率。通过模态分析,得到振动的两种模式:中心构件扭转振动和中心构件横向振动模式。其中一阶固有频率值为134.2Hz,远小于其它高阶频率,其振动模式为中心构件扭转振动模式,由此从理论上证明了2K-V型减速机的输出振动主要是扭转振动这一观点,与实际的工程应用中反映出的现象一致。分析出影响一阶固有频率的主要因素为行星架上的轴承刚度;而两级齿轮的啮合刚度,输入轴的扭转刚度以及曲柄轴的扭转刚度对减速机系统的一阶固有频率的影响都很小。通过试验测出圆弧齿2K-V6型减速机一阶固有频率为126.8Hz,验证了动力学模型的有效性和理论计算的正确性。为便于快速求解2K-V型减速机的一阶固有频率,用集中参数法建立了2K-V减速机的5自由度纯扭转动力学模型。分别基于两个模型对一阶固有频率的计算和分析结果接近。用机构转化法推导了圆弧齿2K-V型减速机的传动效率计算公式。通过计算得知圆弧齿2K-V型减速机具有较高的传动效率。分析了圆弧齿2K-V型减速机的传动效率的影响因素,其中第二级齿轮的啮合效率对整机传动效率影响显著。

【Abstract】 The structure of 2K-V planetary gear drive, force analysis on the winch bearings and force analysis on the cycloid gears are briefly introduced at the beginning of the thesis.Furthermore, a dynamic model of 2K-V planetary gear drive with N planets is formulated by lump-parameter method. The model admits three planar degrees of freedom for each of the sun, planets, winches, cycloid gears and carrier. And stiffness, such as component bearings, gear meshing interactions and torsional stiffness of the shafts and winches, are considered. Applied the parameters of 2K-V6 planetary gear drive to the model, the natural frequencies and vibration modes are investigated, and the results reveal that the vibration modes can be classified into two cases: torsional vibration modes of central components and transversal ones. The first frequency is 134.2 Hz, much smaller than the others, and it mainly affects the carrier’s torsional vibration. On the other hand, this conclusion is verified by an experiment that shows the first frequency is 126.8Hz. Further analysis indicates the stiffness of the bearings in the carrier give the greatest influence upon the frequency. Considering the torsional vibration only, another dynamic model with 5 degrees of freedom is established by lumped-parameter method. Based on the model, the nature frequency of first order is evaluated and analyzed. And the result agrees with the former.At the end, the transmission efficiency is evaluated and analyzed, and the result shows that the efficiency is fairly good.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TH132.4
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】587