

Discussion on Ecological Benefits of Ulmus Pumila L.var.sabulosa J.H.Guo Y.S.Li et J.H.Li Woodland in Hunshandake Sandy Land

【作者】 张红霞

【导师】 刘果厚;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 沙地榆是浑善达克沙地的乡土树种。应用生态学的方法,通过其对风速、小气候、土壤养分含量及群落内植物物种多样性的影响四个方面探讨了沙地榆疏林的生态效益。研究结果如下:沙地榆疏林具有较强的减弱风速的作用,在200cm高的横断面上,沙地榆疏林的防风作用显著强于褐沙蒿灌丛和黄柳灌丛,而在50cm高处,其防风作用弱于褐沙蒿灌丛。沙地榆疏林内的小气候条件得到了明显的改善,无论是空气温度、相对湿度,还是0~20cm层的土壤温度,与对照样地相比,其日变化缓和,振幅小,峰值低。在夏季,疏林内的空气温度较流动沙丘显著下降,但是,沙地榆疏林与褐沙蒿灌丛、黄柳灌丛及退化草地相比,其降温作用并不显著,而其增湿效益及对浅层土壤的降温作用却很显著。沙地榆疏林改善了土壤的养分状况,使疏林内的土壤肥力得到提高。疏林内土壤的养分含量高于褐沙蒿灌丛和黄柳灌丛,但是疏林内土壤有机质及全氮含量不及退化草地。沙地榆疏林还具有丰富的适应沙地生境的植物物种多样性,与对照群落相比,疏林群落的多样性高,结构复杂,因此群落的稳定性也高。由此可以看出,沙地榆疏林具有较大的改善环境的生态效益。

【Abstract】 Ulmus pumila L. var. sabulosa is an indigenous plant in Hunshandake sandy land. Ecological benefits of U. pumila L. var. sabulosa woodland were discussed in four aspects which were effects on wind speed、microclimate、soil nutrients and plant species diversity. The results are as follows: Wind speed was decreased sharply in U. pumila L. var. sabulosa woodland. In the height of 200cm, its effect on wind speed was greater than that of Artemisia intramongolica brush or Salix gordejevii brush. But effect on wind speed of Artemisia intramongolica brush was greater than U. pumila L. var. sabulosa woodland in the height of 50cm. Microclimate was improved obviously in U. pumila L. var. sabulosa woodland. In the woodland, the diurnal variations of atmospheric temperature、relative humidity and soil temperature of 0~20cm were smaller, and the vibration ranges and peak values were smaller than control plots. In summer, atmospheric temperature of the woodland was lower distinctly than that of drifting sandy dunes. However, the differences of atmospheric temperature among Artemisia intramongolica brush、Salix gordejevii brush and degenerated grassland were not distinct. Relative humidity was increased evidently and shallow soil temperature was decreased sharply in the woodland. Compared Artemisia intramongolica brush or Salix gordejevii brush, content of soil nutrients in the woodland was larger. But content of organic matter and total nitrogen in the woodland was inferior to that in degenerated grassland. There were rich plant species that had adapted to conditions of sandy land in U. pumila L. var. sabulosa woodland. Plant species diversity of the woodland community was higher than control communities, and its community structure was complicated. Therefore, the woodland community was stable. Thus, U. pumila L. var. sabulosa woodland could improve evidently ecological environment.

  • 【分类号】S718
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】140