

Research on the Transition Mechanism from Individual Human Capital to Organizational Capital

【作者】 蔡文柳

【导师】 康凯;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着知识经济和经济全球化浪潮的兴起,人力资本已经逐渐代替物质资本成为企业获取可持续竞争优势的源泉。人是知识的载体,知识只有应用到组织的实际操作中才能发挥其应有的作用。同时人才是流动的,这种趋势难以阻挡。因此,应将个体人力资本转换到组织中形成组织资本,这是企业构建核心能力、推广优秀经验、留存组织记忆和适应环境变化的重要手段。 本文从我国企业人力资源管理所面临的挑战和困境,以及人力资源管理的发展趋势出发,对个体人力资本向组织资本转换问题的四个方面进行了研究:①个体人力资本向组织资本转换的条件;②个体人力资本向组织资本转换的机理;③个体人力资本向组织资本转换的均衡;④运用系统动力学模型对个体人力资本向组织资本转换的机制进行描述和验证。通过研究本文得出如下结论: ① 人力资本与其载体是可以分离的,分离程度和个体人力资本向组织资本转换的程度有关。 ② 为减少人才流失给企业带来的损失,有必要将人力资本转移到组织中来。 ③ 要将个体人力资本转换为组织资本,组织需要重视文化建设、制度建设、和组织建设,为转换提供充足的条件和环境。 ④ 将个体人力资本转换成组织人力资本是组织获得高绩效的保证。

【Abstract】 With the rising of knowledge economy and economic globalization, human capital has replaced physical capital and become a main resource for enterprise to get continuous competitive advantage. Human is the carrier of knowledge. Only used into practice of organization, can knowledge play its role. But the talent flowing is also a overwhelming trend. Thereby, individual human capital should be transited into organization in order to form organizational capital, which is an important way for enterprise to establish its core ability, extend excellent experience, save organizational memory and adapt to environmental change.Based on the challenge and dilemma in human resource management and the trend of human resource management in our country, this paper studies in four aspects about transiting individual human capital into organizational capital: (1) the conditions of transiting individual human capital into organizational capital; (2) the mechanism of transiting individual human capital into organizational capital; (3) the equilibrium of transiting individual human capital into organizational capital; (4) describing and validating the mechanism of transiting individual human capital into organizational capital with system dynamics model. By the research, this paper draws conclusions as follows:(1) Human capital and its carrier are separate, and separate degree is related to the degree of transiting individual human capital into organizational capital.(2) In order to reduce the loss caused by losing talented person, it is necessary to transit human capital into organization.(3) For transiting individual human capital into organizational capital, organization should put great emphasis on culture establishment, system establishment and organization establishment, so as to provide condition and environment for the transition.(4) Transiting individual human capital into organizational capital is a guarantee for organization to get high performance.

  • 【分类号】F240
  • 【被引频次】3
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