

Calculation and Analysis of Assembly Variation for Deformable Sheet Metal

【作者】 彭红梅

【导师】 周志革;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 轿车车身是轿车的重要组成部分,是影响整车质量的重要因素之一。车身质量水平不仅反映了车体设计水平,而且也反映了制造水平和管理水平。轿车车身主要由冲压金属薄壁件组成,具有柔性大、刚度小等特点,其装配偏差的分析与综合对装配质量有很大影响。现有装配偏差的分析与综合研究主要沿用了刚体装配误差理论,不适合柔性金属薄壁件,因此,寻求适用于具有柔性特点的薄板装配偏差研究方法,探明引起装配偏差的各类偏差源,对控制轿车车身等薄板装配偏差具有重要意义。 本课题是在上述背景下开展的,目的是通过对薄板装配偏差的计算,寻求适合金属薄板装配的公差分析方法;通过对引起装配偏差的各类偏差源的分析,发现不同偏差源对综合偏差的不同影响,有利于提高金属薄板的装配质量。 本文以金属薄板为研究对象,利用有限元软件MSC/PATRAN对其进行建模、计算与分析,利用数论方法产生的伪随机点与有限元法相结合计算薄壁件的装配公差。这种方法的优点在于可以同时考虑零件装配过程中的弹塑性变形。通过与Monte-Carlo模拟法的比较可以发现,在计算精度基本相同的条件下,该法比Monte-Carlo模拟法计算量小,计算时间短,效率高。 同时,利用正交试验设计法对薄板的装配偏差进行正交分析。分析结果可以表明:在柔性金属薄板装配中,较厚的薄板零件对装配的综合偏差起主导作用。

【Abstract】 Auto-body assembly is one of important parts of the whole car. Its quality is a key factor that affects the quality of the whole car. The quality of auto-body reflects not only the design level of automobile factory, but also its manufacturing level and management level. The auto-body assembly requires hundreds of sheet metals. For accounting the effect of low stiffness of sheet metals, their tolerances based on analysis and synthesis have an influence on the quality of the assembly. The existing assembly tolerance analysis and synthesis are mainly applied to the rigid assembly, and not suited to the deformable sheet metal assembly. It is necessary to find a new method that applied to the deformable sheet metal assembly. There is great meaning that we use the new method to make clear the variances sources and to improve the quality of the sheet metal assembly.This study is started according to the above background. The purpose is to find a best variance analysis method for the deformable sheet metal assemblies. We can gain useful information to improve the quality of assembly by analyzing the variance sources.In this paper, a sheet metal assembly is as to the study object. MSC/PATRAN is used to modeling, calculating, and analyzing. The assembly variation is calculated using finite element method and pseudo random numbers which are produced by number theoretic method. This method can account for the effect of elastic and plastic deformation. It can be concluded that this method needs simpler computation and shorter time than Monte-Carlo Simulation for the same precision. In a word, this method is more efficiency than the method of Monte-Carlo Simulation.In this paper, we analyze the variations of sheet metal assembly according to the method of orthogonal design. It can be proved that the thicker sheet metals leading the variance of assembly in the deformable sheet metal assemblies.

  • 【分类号】TG801
  • 【被引频次】3
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