

Study on Properties of Anionic Polyelectrolyte in Salt Solution

【作者】 郝立根

【导师】 黎钢;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 应用化学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本实验着重考察了溶液中阴离子型聚电解质分子形态与盐的种类、浓度之间的关系。在30℃时,测定了0.5g/L的部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(粘均分子量1700万,水解度16%)的溶液中,含有不同浓度十六烷基三甲基溴化铵、乙二胺盐酸盐、三乙醇胺盐酸盐、2,3—环氧丙烷三甲基氯化铵时,溶液表观粘度的变化。证明大分子具有剪切变稀的性质,铵盐阳离子中,季铵基团(R1R2R3R4N+)的数量越多,大分子溶液表观粘度值下降程度就越大。 实验中,重点研究了30℃条件下lg/L的部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(粘均分子量1000万,水解度10%~90%)、2-丙烯酰胺-2-甲基丙磺酸钠与丙烯酰胺共聚物(粘均分子量600万)以及聚2-丙烯酰胺-2-甲基丙磺酸钠(粘均分子量600万)溶液中,含有不同浓度的多价金属阳离子(Mg2+、Ca2+、Mn2+、Ba2+、Zn2+、Co2+、Cr3+、Cu2+、Fe3+)时,聚电解质大分子的均方回转半径、Zeta电位值的变化以及大分子发生絮凝、生成凝胶的现象。结果表明,溶液中,金属阳离子浓度增大时,阴离子型聚电解质分子的均方回转半径、Zeta电位值都呈现减小的趋势。 当部分水解聚丙烯酰胺水解度大于70%,所有金属阳离子均可以使大分子发生絮凝,水解度在20%~60%时,Cu2+可以和大分子形成凝胶,水解度在20%~60%时,Zn2+可以和大分子形成凝胶,Fe3+在所有水解度范围内,都可以使大分子形成絮凝。各种金属离子对2-丙烯酰胺-2-甲基丙磺酸钠与丙烯酰胺共聚物以及聚2-丙烯酰胺-2-甲基丙磺酸钠的作用现象不明显,不会形成絮凝、凝胶。 实验中,利用紫外—可见光吸收法、原子分光光度法,测得了在30℃时,Cu2+与lg/L水解度20%的部分水解聚丙烯酰胺形成凝胶的络合稳定常数(K=1.29×103);Zn2+与lg/L水解度40%的部分水解聚丙烯酰胺形成凝胶的络合稳定常数(K=0.589)。 对实验结果进行分析、比较,得出各种离子对部分水解聚丙烯酰胺分子形态的影响程度顺序为:Mg2+<Ca2+<Mn2+<Ba2+<Zn2+<Co2+<Cr3+<Cu2+<Fe3+

【Abstract】 The emphasis of experiment is the relation between anionic polyelectrolyte molecular conformation and salt with different sort and concentration in solution. Determine the change of apparent viscosity of 0.5g/L partial hydrolytic polyacrylamide(Mv=1.7×107,HD=16%) solution with varing concentration of ethylen , diamine dihydrochloride, triethanolamine hydrochloride, 2,3-epoxy prapane trimethyl ammonium chloride under 30℃. The outcoming testify that macromolecule has property of shear thinning. The more quaternary ammonium groups(R1R2R3R4N+),the decreaser of apparent viscosity.In experiment ,it is studied that in Ig/L partial hydrolytic polyacrylamide(Mv=1×107), 2-acrylamido-2-methyipropanesulfonate sodium/acrylamide copolymer(Mv=6×106), poly-2-acrylamido-2-methyipropanesulfonate sodium(Mv=6×106) solution with different concentration of multivalent metal ions ,the change of macromolecular mean-square radius of gyration and Zeta potential as well as flocculation and gel. The result testify that macromolecular mean-square radius of gyration and Zeta potential decrease when the metal ions concentration is increasing.When hydrolytic degree of partial hydrolytic polyacrylamide exceed 70%, flocculation can occure between all metal ions and partial hydrolytic polyacrylamide. When hydrolytic degree of partial hydrolytic polyacrylamide within the range of 20% to 60%, gel can form between Cu2+ and partial hydrolytic polyacrylamide. When hydrolytic degree of partial hydrolytic polyacrylamide within the range of 30% to 60%, gel can form between Zn2+ and partial hydrolytic polyacrylamide. Fe3+ can flocculate partial hydrolytic polyacrylamide in all hydrolytic degree. The effect of all metal ions on 2-acrylamido-2-methyipropanesulfonate sodium/acrylamide copolymer, poly-2-acrylamido-2- methyipropanesulfonate sodium didn’t conspicuous. Flocculation and gel can’t be formed.Make use of UV and AFS ,the coordination constant(K = 1.29×103) between Cu2+ and partial hydrolytic polyacrylamide(HD=20%) has been calculated under 30℃;the coordination constant(K=0.589)between Zn2+ and partial hydrolytic polyacrylamide(HD=30%) also has been calculated under 30℃.With analying and comparing experimental date, the effect degree of all metal ions on partial hydrolytic polyacrylamide has been ranked: Mg2+< Ca2+< Mn2+< Ba2+<Zn2+<Co2+<Cr3+<Cu2+< Fe3+.

  • 【分类号】O631
  • 【被引频次】2
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