

Research of Expert System on EMC for Household Electric Appliances

【作者】 张娟

【导师】 耿恒山; 陈曦;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 电磁兼容(EMC)是以电磁场理论为基础,包括信息、电工、电子、通讯、材料、结构等多学科交叉的,研究在有限的空间、时间和频谱资源的条件下各种电气、电子设备或系统在同一电磁环境中相互兼容,而不致引起其性能下降的应用科学技术。其研究内容非常广泛,要解决的问题十分复杂。研究电磁兼容的目的在于为电气电子设备的正常工作运行创造一个较好的电磁环境,限制其电磁骚扰,提高其抗干扰能力,并最终落实到设计、生产符合电磁兼容要求的产品上。 当前,电磁兼容知识亟待普及,家电行业亟待解决家用电器的电磁兼容问题。因此,把电磁兼容的相关知识、专家经验、法规、标准等进行信息集成化和知识化,形成知识库(KB),进而构建一个咨询教育型家用电器EMC专家系统.此专家系统(ES)为普及电磁兼容知识、指导生产厂家进行产品的电磁兼容设计、生产和认证提供有效帮助,这对提高我国家用电器产品EMC水平有着较大的实践意义。 本文首先介绍了电磁兼容(EMC)与专家系统(ES)的理论基础及专家系统技术应用到研究家用电器EMC问题的意义。然后介绍了家用电器EMC专家系统知识库的构建和推理机制的实现。知识库的构建是本文的核心内容,针对不同用户的需要将知识库(KB)分为EMC简介、EMC标准、EMC测试、产品EMC设计及家电EMC分析五个子知识库。最后介绍了家用电器EMC专家系统的实现,其采用C/S模式,以大型的RDBMS SQL Server2000为支撑,以面向对象(OO)的集成开发环境Delphi7为开发工具进行系统的程序设计。

【Abstract】 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is across-disciplinary science based on electromagnetism including information science, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, materials and structures, etc. It is also an applied technology, which is used to study, under the conditions of limited space, limited time and limited frequency resources, the compatibility of electrical and electronic devices and systems within the common electromagnetic environment without a degradation of performance. The study range of EMC is very extensive and the problem of EMC is very complex. The purpose of researching EMC is to create a preferable electromagnetic environment for the electrical and electronic devices running in order, limited the devices electromagnetic disturbance and unproved the level of immunity, finally aim to designing and producing the products which fulfilled the demand of EMC.Currently, the knowledge of EMC is desiderated to be popularized, the problems of EMC for household electric appliances are desiderated to be solved. So the related knowledge, experience of experts ,rules and standards of EMC are integrated into a knowledge base. Furthermore, an expert system on EMC for household electric appliances will be established. It helps to prevail the knowledge of EMC, and also, it guides the user to design and to produce their products coincide with the demands of EMC. The research of expert system on EMC for household electric appliances will help to improve the EMC level of household electric appliances in our country.Firstly, the theory of EMC and ES are introduced, and it is very meaningful to introduce ES into dealing with the EMC problem. Secondly, the design of knowledge base and the implement of reference engine are introduced. The design of knowledge base is the core of this paper, the knowledge base has been divided into five parts based on the need of difference users, which includes EMC brief introduction, EMC standard, EMC test, the products design of EMC, the EMC analysis of household electric appliances. Finally, introducing the implement of expert system on EMC for household electric appliances, it is designed into C/S model, supported by RDBMS SQL Server 2000, and using Delphi7 to realize the program design.

  • 【分类号】TP182
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】371