

【作者】 刘云

【导师】 郑帼;

【作者基本信息】 天津工业大学 , 应用化学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对一种具有拒水、拒油性能的含氟的有机硅整理剂的合成工艺、结构与性能以及中间体、产物的物化性能等作了较为深入的研究,并初步探讨了产品的应用性能。 首先,优选出一条针对国内原材料供应情况,较为合理、简单的合成工艺路线,并对氟烃基改性硅油的两步合成反应的工艺条件进行了优化,即:第一步,先利用不饱和醇与全氟辛酸在酸催化剂的作用下进行酯化反应,通过萃取、过滤,制得含碳碳不饱和键的碳氟化合物,第二步,含不饱和双键的碳氟化合物再与不同含氢量含氢硅油在铂催化剂的作用下进行硅氢化反应,制得一系列含氟量不同的含氟的有机硅材料。并且,通过正交实验设计,工艺流程得到优化。 本研究综合利用了现代先进的测试仪器,较为全面的分析了原料、中间产物、以及产物的分子结构等各方面的性能参数。利用IR谱图和~1HNMR测定了含氢硅油的分子结构和分子量,确定了中间产品的分子结构。通过对反应不同阶段的转化率分析,明确反应进程及反应物、产物的浓度的关系,对含不饱和键的碳氟化合物与含氢硅油的反应过程进行了初步的探索。 本文还对产物的应用性能进行了系列测试,通过电镜对产物在纤维表面的形貌进行了研究,并对产品的含氟量对纤维表面形貌影响进行了研究。初步探索了含氟的有机硅的拒水拒油机理和拒水拒油性能的影响因素。

【Abstract】 The detailed research was focused on the synthesis process structure and properties of pseudo-perfluoroalkyl polysilicones and on the physical and chemical properties of intermediates and product. And preliminary research was done on the production appliance performance .Firstly, a two-step synthesis process that point to the material providing inland was selected, this synthesis process was reasonable and easy relatively. Besides the conditions of synthesis reaction were adjusted. Namely, the first step reaction were prepared by esterifing allyl alcohol with perfluoro caprylic acid . allyl-octonary-carbon fluoric ester was attained by extraction and filtration . the second step were prepared by hydrosilylation between hydrogen-silicone and perfluoro caprylic acid a-allyl ester, in this reaction, we can attain a series of presudo- perfluoroalkyl polysilicones that have different fluoric content. At above synthesis, the optimum methodology were probed by orthogonal experiment design. Moreover, in this article through comprehensive utilization modern analytical and testing instrument . the performance parameter and molecular structure of the raws , middlings and outcome were analyzed. The molecular structure and molecular weigh of HS were analyzed by IR and 1HNMR, the molecular structure of intermediates was confirmed ; comparing to the concentration change of reactant and resultant, reaction course of hydrosilylation was confirmed .Finally ,the applied properties of Fs were tested. By electron microscope we observe surface shape and visage of fibrin , and research the character that the quantity of fluoric infected to surface shape and visage of fibrin. The mechanism and the infection factor of property of resistance to water and oil on the fiber.

  • 【分类号】TS195
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】515