

【作者】 孙伟

【导师】 徐东;

【作者基本信息】 天津工业大学 , 服装设计与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 作为一种独特的文化形式,校服在表现一个国家和地区的经济、教育、文化水平和宗教信仰方面起着很大的作用。校服起源于欧洲的一个最老牌的殖民帝国—英国。在英国著多学校制服中,教会所创办的慈善性质的学校和贵族学校校服的形制、规范和种类较为有特色。 本文首先把能够充分体现和反映英国人特征的、同时也能代表英国不同阶层的“蓝制服”、伊顿服、童子军服、军校学员服和传统校服为主要研究对象,对其进行较为细致的介绍和分析。从中我们可以看出英国人的那种特有的保守的、循规蹈矩的、清教徒式的思想和行为方式和宗教信仰对他们的影响之深。然后从我国明朝时期的进士服和儒士服为起点研究介绍了我国理论意义上的近现代的校服和当前我国校服的现状及人们对其的不同看法和建议。其中的最著名的代表就是中山装。由于历史传统文化等的原因,真正意义上的校服起步较晚,现有的校服大多数也是以日本校服为版本,还没有形成一种有中国特色的校服文化。为此通过对中外校服的研究和对比来找出我国校服的差距和不足,通过借鉴国外校服的优点来指导我们国家的校服的设计和发展方向。

【Abstract】 As a unique cultural form, the school uniforms plays a very important role in displaying the economy, education cultural level and religious belief in a country or region. The school uniform originated from Britain, an empire with a long colonial history in Europe. Among British school uniforms, the school uniforms of the missionary schools and the noble schools are of peculiarity with their structure, standard and sort. At first, I introduce and analyze carefully the Bluecoat uniform, the Eton suit, Scout uniform, Cadet uniform and traditional school uniform that reflect fully the British character and stand for the different classes. Among them we can understand on them the impact of conservation, action of beaten tract, puritan-typed ideas and religious belief. Then I study our modern school uniform in theory, the present situation of our Chinese school uniform and the different views and suggestions in our country with the starting point of doctorate clothes and Confucian scholar clothes from Ming Dynasty. Among these uniforms, the Chinese tunic suit is the most prominent one. For some historical and cultural reasons, the real school uniforms starts relatively later in our country and most school uniforms at present regard Japanese school uniforms as the edition without a Chinese culture of school uniform. So we can find out the disparity and deficiency of Chinese school uniforms by studying and contracting the difference between the school uniforms inside and outside China. We can also guide the design and development direction of Chinese school uniforms by appreciating to take things philosophically and taking advantages of school uniforms of other countries.

  • 【分类号】TS941
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】985