

Studies on the Simulation of Key Agronomic Characteristics for Potato

【作者】 王爱华

【导师】 黄冲平;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 作物生长发育过程的计算机模拟(简称作物模拟)是近40年来迅速发展起来的一项新技术。它将系统分析方法和计算机技术引入作物科学,根据作物生理学和生态学原理,通过对作物生长发育过程获得的实验数据加以理论概括和数据抽象,建立关于作物物候期、光合生产、器官建成、干物质积累及分配、产量形成等生理过程与环境因子之间关系的动态数学模型,然后在计算机上模拟在给定的环境下作物整个生育期的生长情况。这种模拟是利用计算机,借助数学模型对作物生长发育过程与外界环境之间的变化进行动态仿真的过程,它具有解释能力强,应用面宽,可考虑众多因子的影响和易于控制等优点。 本研究通过对大量文献资料特别是国内外最新研究成果的分析与归纳,并参考其他作物生长发育动态模拟的研究结果,在田间试验的基础上,构建了马铃薯生长发育的动态模拟模型,并开发了基于中文版Visual Basic 6.0的模拟软件,为网上应用本研究的理论和实践成果提供了基础。 本研究的主要成果包括以下几个方面: 1 马铃薯生育期模型 本研究根据作物生长温度三基点的基本原理提出了一个基于高斯方程的马铃薯生育期模型,假定马铃薯的生长量从最低温度到最适温度为增函数,从最适温度到最高温度为减函数,在最适温度时取得最大值为1,并定义为一个发育生理日。模拟的结果表明浙江省马铃薯主栽品种“东农303”从播种到出苗需要12~13个有效生理日,从出苗到现蕾为20~21个有效生理日,从现蕾到成熟为10~11个有效生理日。通过对马铃薯生育期数学模型的解析,笔者给出了地膜覆盖后土壤温度增加对马铃薯生长的数值分解方法和计算结果,实现了从定性分析到定量分析的突破。 2 马铃薯株高、叶龄和叶面积系数的模拟 马铃薯株高、叶龄、叶面积系数的变化与生育期的进展是密不可分的。本研究以累计发育生理日为自变量,以S形曲线模拟株高和叶面积系数的增长过程,以指数函数曲线模拟叶龄和叶面积系数衰退的过程。浙江大学中文摘要硕士学位论文3马铃薯干物质积累与分配的模拟 本研究以每天的单位叶面积变化、群体上方的有效辐射和温度变化模拟群体的干物质积累.结果表明,本研究的模型有明确的机理性和较高的精度。同时得出了随着马铃薯生育期的不断推进,千物质在各器官间的分配规律和各器官干物率变化的定量规律,并给出了相应的数学模型。模拟结果理想,表明所建设的数学模型不仅理论上成立,而且也有实用价值。4模拟软件的开发 笔者以中文版巧sual Basic6.O完成了本研究中涉及到的不同生态条件下马铃薯生育期、株高、叶龄、叶面积系数、干物质积累和分配、产量形成等模型的模拟软件开发,软件以可视化的界面、直观的表达和Windows式的菜单设置,有利于具有一般计算机知识的研究者和推广人员使用。

【Abstract】 System simulation of crop growth and development has been a booming technique in the last forty years. It introduces systematic methodology and computer technology into crop science. According to crop physiology and ecology knowledge, with the systematic analysis and numerous digital calculation of field crop experiments, a dynamic model was established to reveal the relationship between the environmental factor and potato phenological development, photosynthesis, apparatus establishment, dry-matter accumulation, distribution, yield and so on. We can simulate the whole crop phenological development in the given environmental condition.Based on the review of large amount of literatures especially recent research achievements abroad and domestic, the dynamic simulation of other crop growth, we developed a set of simulation models for potato growth, and a simulation software based on Visual Basic 6.0 in Chinese format. And the software has supplied a base for application on Web.The main achievements are as follows:1 Potato phenological development modelAccording to the three-basic-point-temperature principle of crop growth, the author submitted a nonlinear model based on Gauss function for crop growth and development simulation. When the temperature changed from the lowest point for growing to the optimized temperature, the equation was an increase function; then when the temperature changed from the optimized point to the highest point, the equation was a decrease function. It was supposed that the maximum value equaled 1 in the optimized temperature. The whole change was defined as one physiological day. The modeling results showed that the potato variety "Dongnong 303", which was widely planted in Zhejiang Province, needed 11-13 physiological days from seeding to emerging, 21-23 physiological days from emerging to budding and 12-13 physiological days from budding to maturing. According to the analysis of the phenological development model, thecalculation results of soil temperature contribution for the potato planted in mulching were given. This method also improved the analysis approach from qualitative analysis to quantitative analysis.2 Simulation of plant height, leaf age and leaf area index of potatoThere was a high correlation between potato phenological development and plant height, leaf age, and leaf area index. The accumulative physiological day was used as a variable factor, and the S-curve was used to simulate plant height and growth process of leaf area index, and used exponential function to simulate leaf age and declining process of leaf area index.3 Simulation of dry-matter accumulation and distribution of potatoThe study simulated the dry-matter accumulation with the changes of leaf area index, canopy photosynthesis and temperature. The simulation results showed that the model was of high accuracy and clear mechanism. Along with the potato phenological development, the function of dry-matter distribution, the quantity change of dry-matter percentage rate in each apparatus at different stages, and the corresponding mathematics model were also given in this paper. The correlation coefficient between the modeling results and actual field yield was really acceptable.4 Software developments for potato simulationThe software for potato simulation was completed in this study, which included potato phenological development, plant height, leaf age development, leaf area index change, canopy photosynthesis of the community, dry-matter accumulation and yield formation. The software had a visual interface, direct result expression and the menus designed just like Windows. It was helpful for common researchers and extension workers with basic computer knowledge.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】S532
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】383