

Spring Clinch Joint and Feasible Analysis of Its Application in the Plane Type Space Truss

【作者】 宋丽娜

【导师】 远方;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 从世界范围内空间结构的发展来看,一方面是要求不断扩大空间结构的应用范围,另一方面又应该尽量降低结构的造价。解决这一矛盾的途径之一是:不断研究与改进现有结构的形式和设计理论,在适合采用空间结构的建筑物中尽量对构件做到工业化。根据这种发展要求,并在借鉴众多预制网架体系成功经验的基础上,本文利用一种新颖的节点形式-弹簧卡节点,构造出一种新型的平板网架结构体系-卡节点平板网架结构体系,并对其进行了可行性研究。本文的前半部分,首先简单叙述了一些比较成功的预制网架体系,在此基础上,将卡节点应用到平板网架结构中,提出卡节点平板网架结构体系的构想;然后对弹簧卡节点的构成、工作机理、对刚性钢件、索的连接方式及其可定型化、工业化、安装快速简便的优点等作了比较详细的说明,对整个结构体系的组成方式及其优越性作了介绍。本文的后半部分,主要论证了卡节点网架结构体系的可行性。利用几何非线性有限元法编制了计算程序,对几个小跨度和中等跨度的卡节点平板网架进行内力计算和设计,并将其与同样平面尺寸、网格大小、网架高度、支承条件及承受同样恒、活荷载的正放四角锥网架作了比较。在不考虑节点的情况下,由于采用了大量的薄壁杆件,提高了材料的抗压性能,卡节点平板网架在材料用量上节省一些;并且由于结构本身是钢管、索、卡节点按一定的受力形态组合而成的空间半柔性结构,在内力分布上更为均匀合理。

【Abstract】 The development of the space structure has two requirements. One is to enlargethe application scope of the space structure and the other is to decrease the expensesof the structure. One of the approaches to resolve this problem is to research on andimprove the forms and the design theories of the current space structures and adoptindustrialized members. In this paper, in order to meet this development trend andbased on the successful experiences of former prefabricated plane type space trusssystems, a novel joint-spring clinch joint is used to come up with a new plane typespace truss system-spring clinch joint space truss system and the feasibility of thisnew structure is also analyzed. The whole paper can be divided into two main parts. The first part gives a simpledescription of several successful prefabricated plane type space truss systems. On thebasis of their successful experiences, the spring clinch joint is applied to present anew plane type space truss form. The composing, working mechanism, conjunctivemanner for steel tubes and cables of the spring clinch joint and its advantages areclearly illuminated. The constitution and superiority of the new structure form areintroduced. The second part of this paper mainly provides evidences of the feasibility of thenew structural form. Using programs developed with Visual Basic, the internal forceof several small-span spring clinch joint plane type space trusses and middle-spanspring clinch joint plane type space trusses are calculated and their members aredesigned according to the codes. A comprehensive comparison is made between everyspring clinch joint plane type space truss and the corresponding rectangular squarepyramid space truss, which has the same plane dimension, grid dimension, height,supports, and bears the equal dead load and live load as the spring clinch joint planetype space truss. Regardless of joints, the spring clinch joint plane type space trussconsumes less steel than rectangular square pyramid space truss because manythin-wall steel tubes are adopted and their resistances for compressive stress areenhanced. The distribution of internal force of the spring clinch joint plane type spacetruss is more even than that of rectangular square pyramid space truss because thespring clinch joint plane type space truss is a half-flexible space structure, which iscomposed of steel tubes, cables and spring clinch joints.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TU356
  • 【下载频次】78