

Study on Machine-Electric Project Process Control in Hydroelectric Engineering Based on the Concurrent Engineering

【作者】 沈有国

【导师】 王仁超;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 水利水电工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 水电机电工程具有技术先进、精度要求高、工艺复杂、牵涉面广、组织协调难度大等特点,而现阶段水电机电工程项目普遍采用串行的“抛过墙”式开发方式、管理只重结果不重过程以及纵向层次组织机构模式不利于沟通与协调,导致项目设计改动量大、超支超期现象严重、可装配性与可维修性差、业主要求不能得到很好满足。针对上述存在的问题,本文引入并行工程思想和过程控制理论对水电机电工程项目管理中的几个重要问题进行分析研究,主要研究内容如下:针对串行的“抛过墙”式项目开发方式存在的项目参建各方缺乏经常交流、上下游活动间各自为阵、反馈频繁等问题,基于并行工程的过程重组思想,结合水电机电安装工程特点,探讨将项目开发模式由“串行”开发转变为“并行”开发;并结合过程控制理论,探讨了水电机电工程项目实施阶段的质量过程控制。针对传统项目管理组织所存在的信息传递和组织协调效率远不能满足项目建设的需要,引入并行工程组织重构及产品集成开发团队(Integrated Product Team ,IPT)的思想,提出了一种虚拟项目组织机构模式;并阐述了虚拟项目组织协调管理及其支持环境。简要介绍了项目进度计划与管理的最新发展——关键链进度计划法(Critical Chain Scheduling,CCS),阐述其基本假定与原理,并探讨如何合理有效地将关键链的相关管理思想应用于水电机电工程项目进度计划、协调与管理中。最后,以公伯峡水电站机电工程为例,具体阐述并行工程、质量过程控制、项目组织协调、CCS进度计划与协调的实际应用。 文中研究成果有助于以业主为核心、以合同为纽带、以项目目标为共同目的建立水电机电工程高效的项目组织机构,有效地协调项目参建各方,对项目全生命周期进行过程控制,最终实现快速、优质、低成本的机组安装。

【Abstract】 Hydroelectric machine-electric engineering project is characterized as high precision requirement, involving many parties, great difficulty in organization harmonization. Now these cases commonly exist in traditional serial ‘throw over wall’ mode, such as focusing on the result not the process in management, inefficient information exchanges and harmonization , which leads to great and frequent changes in design, common overdue and overrun, poor quality and the dissatisfaction of project owners. Therefore, this thesis introduces the ideas of Concurrent Engineering (CE) and the theory of process control into hydroelectric machine-electric engineering project management. The main work includes as follows:On the basis of CE, the process re-engineering is studied, which transforms the serial ‘throw over wall’ mode into concurrent mode. Combined with the theory of process control, the total quality process control in the hydroelectric machine-electric engineering project is highlighted.Since the information exchanges and organization harmonization ineffectiveness in traditional project management organization cannot satisfy the project needs, based on the ideas of the organization re-construction and Integrated Product Team (IPT), a virtual project organization mode is presented. Furthermore, the harmonization management and its support environment of the virtual project organization are described.As for the Critical Chain Scheduling (CCS), known as the breakthrough in the field of project management, the underlying assumptions and fundamentals are thoroughly analyzed. The way how to effectively and rationally apply this method into the engineering project management is discussed. Finally, the practices and experiments of CE, quality process control, project organization harmonization and CCS scheduling in the GongBoXia hydropower station is briefed. In a summary, the thesis helps to construct an efficient project organization bonded by the contracts, in the core of the owner and in the goal of the project common goal, to harmonize the project parties, to control effectively all the processes in the total life cycle, so as to achieve the rapid, high-quality, low-cost setup of the machine group in hydroelectric machine-electric engineering project.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TV734
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】335