

The Research on Information Accurate Inference in Discourse Comprehension

【作者】 曾庆

【导师】 莫雷;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 文本阅读的推理研究是阅读心理学领域的一个非常重要的内容,其研究成果不仅能够揭示人类阅读的认知过程,而且对其他领域的作用也越来越明显。目前对文本阅读的推理研究,从功能上讲,主要是研究连结推理和精加工推理。但是,研究者都忽视了日常生活中常见的另外一种推理类型,即信息精确化推理。这种推理不同于连结推理,它的发生不是为了维持文本理解的连贯性,但却又能够使文本理解更加顺畅;这种推理虽然与精加工有点类似,能够使文本中原本模糊的信息经过推理后使信息更加精确化、清晰化,但是从推理的方向上,又不同于属于前向推理的精加工推理,信息精确化推理由于要以文本中前面提到过的信息为参照,所以属于后向推理。由于文本阅读中信息精确化推理这种类型以前都没有人研究过,本研究就准备从探究这种推理在文本理解中是否是必然发生的;如果发生了,那么是即时发生的还是延时发生的;不仅研究在工作记忆范围内的推理情况,更要突破前人的研究局限,探究在长时记忆中,信息精确化推理发生的时程。为了研究这些设想,本研究采用动窗技术,分三部分来讨论。实验1探究文本阅读中信息精确化推理是否必然发生。实验2探究在工作记忆范围内,信息精确化推理是即时发生的还是当局部信息不连贯时在重新回溯才发生的。实验3探究信息精确化推理在长时记忆中是否也会即时发生。本研究的结果表明,信息精确化推理在文本阅读中是必然发生的,而且不管进行需要精确化推理的句子与包含推理所需信息的句子是处于同一工作记忆范围内,还是处于长时记忆中,推理都是即时发生的。

【Abstract】 The research on inference in discourse comprehension is one of the most important aspect in reading psychology. Its result can not only reveal the process of human reading, but also promote the research of other fields. At present, the research of function of inference is mainly consisted of connective inference and elaborative inference. But the researcher is easy to neglect another one, that is information accurate inference. This kind of inference is different from connective inference, it is not to retain the connective of the discourse comprehension, but to make the comprehension much more smoothly. Though this inference is similar to elaborative inference that can make the information more accuracy, the direction of accurate inference is backward. Because no one had studied this inference, our research is focused on the inevitability of this inference in reading process, and whether it happened on-line or off-line. We not only research the inference in working memory, but also the long-term memory, we conducted three experiments, five sub-experiments. Experiment 1 tested that if the accurate inference can happen necessary in discourse comprehension. In experiment 2, we explore the information inference happen on-line, or trace back to happen in working memory. In experiment 3, farther explore the inference happen on-line or not in long-term memory. In all, the results show that the information inference in discourse comprehension is inevitable, and it can happen on-line not only in working memory, but also in long-term memory.

  • 【分类号】B842
  • 【被引频次】5
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