

Research on the Design, Development and Application of the Special-Topic-Study Website Producing System

【作者】 徐光涛

【导师】 李克东;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究在国内外专题学习网站相关理论与实践研究的基础上,通过迭代开发的方式实现了一个基于WEB的中小学专题学习网站生成系统,并进行了初步的应用研究。 专题学习网站生成系统是一个以满足中小学教学实际需要为出发点,以专题作为资源组织形式,以支持师生共建为基本思路,以方便实用为根本目标的中小学网络教学支持系统。利用本系统的专题资源库师生可进行专题资源的上传、下载、检索、浏览;利用专题知识模块可在线编辑进行知识重构;利用专题作品创作模块可进行作业的布置、作品的创作及相互评价;利用在线测试模块实现专题相关知识的测评;利用专题讨论区及会议室进行讨论交流;利用分布式功能可进行校际间的协作及资源的共享。 短期应用初步证明:在本系统的支持下进行专题学习网站的建设,在思想上能够引导教师,可更好地遵循“边建设,边应用”、“师生共建”、“不断丰富与完善”的思想,“教师与学生一起成长”;该系统简单实用,学科教师易于掌握,利用本系统可有效提高专题学习网站建设的效率;在本系统的支持下,教师利用网络开展教学的积极性得到了提高,教师和学生的关系发生了改变,学生的数字化学习能力获得锻炼和提高,学生的创新、实践能力得到了进一步的培养。

【Abstract】 Based on the relative theory and practice of the special-topic- study website home and abroad, this research designs and develops a producing system of special-topic-study website for K-12 teachers by iteration, and has done some application research.In order to meet the practical and realistic need of the K-12 schools, the main aim of the special-topic-study website producing system is trying to be as a convenient and practical web-based instructional and learning supporting system as possible. With the special-topic-study website producing system both teachers and students can build the special-topic-study website, and the instructional resources are gathered and organized around a special-topic. Both teachers and students can upload, download, search and browse the special-topic resource database; students learn and reconstruct the learning material with the special knowledge module; teachers give the homework with the writing module and students use it to do their homework and evaluate others’ works: teachers design the test with the online-test module and students use it to test themselves; with the online special-topic bbs and meeting-room both teachers and students discuss questions; with the distribution function multi-school can share with each other’s instructional resources and carry out cooperative learning activities.The short-term application research demonstrates that, with the special-topic-study website producing system, the building of the special-topic-study website keeps to the ideas of "applying, while building, co-construction by teachers and students, keep on enriching and improving" ideas. Both teachers and students become more and more familiar with the web technology to teach and learn. With the special -topic-study website producing system, it becomes easier for teachers to build the special-topic -study website. It arouses the teachers’ enthusiasm of teaching with the web technology, changes the traditional teacher-student relationship, improves students’ interest in learning and cultivates students innovative and practice capabilities.

  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】672