

A Research on Character, Function and Organizational Managing Mode of Virtual Instructional Research in K-12

【作者】 周元春

【导师】 焦建利; 桑新民;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近十年来,素质教育、教育信息化、新课程改革,成为推动我国中小学教育改革发展的三大潮流,对我国中小学教育的所有环节都带来了强大冲击,同时也带来了各种发展的新机遇。这种机遇的一个突出表现,就是由具有较高信息素养和创新精神的新一代中小学教师在国际互联网上所创建的跨时空“虚拟教研活动”和“虚拟教研中心”。这不仅成为一种全新的教学研究组织形式,而且成为信息时代教师培训的新舞台,师生共同参与教学改革的新天地,更是开放的、日益丰富的教学资源库和充满生机活力的新课堂(web课堂)。 本研究首先通过文献查阅的方法,从虚拟社区及教育虚拟社区的历史发展入手,并综合国内外虚拟教研活动的现状调查,探讨虚拟教研活动的产生与发展;其次,通过文献搜索、归纳、分析,选择国内开展虚拟教研活动的三个典型个案,开展访谈,进行深入的解剖,结合调查问卷的分析,揭示了当前我国中小学虚拟教研活动的四大特点和四项主要功能,并从两个方面对虚拟教研活动的组织管理方式进行了探讨: 虚拟教研活动相比常规教研活动而言,其特点是:(1)教研活动的主体发生变化;(2)教研活动的环境发生变化;(3)教研活动的内容与目标发生变化;(4)组织方式的变化。 虚拟教研活动的功能是:(1)实现跨时空、跨人群的交流互动;(2)促进信息时代教师专业发展;(3)提供丰富的多样化的动态的教学资源库;(4)创建充满生机活力的新课堂(web课堂)。 虚拟教研活动的组织管理方式:(1)对一线教师组织的教研活动而言,其组织管理方式的特点是,由教师个体的自我管理,逐步发展到教师自发组建的团队管理;(2)对依托教研部门开展的虚拟教研活动而言,其组织管理方式的特点是分各层级进行管理,即,由上下级教研部门相互配合开展教师虚拟教研活动。

【Abstract】 In the decades years, capability education, IT in education, and the reformation of new curriculum have become three treads to drive the reformation and development of K-12 education in China. They have great impact on all the parts of the K-12 education, and also bring them good developmental opportunities. One of the opportunities embodies in virtual instructional research activity and virtual instructional research centre. They are a kind of new organizational form of instructional research, a new stage for the training of teachers in information age, a new world for the instructional reform attended by the teachers and students, an updating resource bank and a living web-class.Reviewing the history of virtual community and educational virtual community by exploring a great deal of literature and synthesizing the present developmental condition of virtual instructional research in the world, this thesis probes into the process of coming into being and developing of virtual instructional research. On the basis of literature search, synthesis, analysis, the paper selects three representative cases and then analyzes them carefully. By combing the outcome of a questionnaire, this paper deduces the character and function of virtual instructional research. This thesis also probes into the managing and organization form of virtual instructional research. Compared with traditional instructional research, the character of virtual research is that: (1) the subjective of research activity has changed; (2) the environment of research activity has changed, (3) the content and objective has changed, (4) the organization form has changed. The function of instructional research is that: (1) it realizes a communication crossing time, space and people, (2) it promotes the professional development of teachers, (3) it provides abundant, dynamic instructional resource bank, (4) it establishes a dynamic, web-class. The organizational and managing way of virtual instructional research is discussed in three aspects: the managing mode in technology and resource, the managing mode in human resource and the managing mode in organization.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】787