

A Study on Educational Aim of Mathematics in Primary School: Humanism Perspective

【作者】 郑向玲

【导师】 刘朝晖;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 数学不仅具有重要的科学价值,同时还具有丰富的人文价值。过去,我们在数学教育中往往比较注重数学的科学价值,而忽视了对其人文精神的提升,没有很好地实现数学科学本身所固有的人文价值功能,这样的数学教育显然是不全面的,应当引起我们深刻的反思。 小学数学教育目的是小学数学教育工作的出发点和归宿,它明确规定了数学教育对象在数学教育活动中的发展方向。数学教育目的的不同决定了其教育性质与教育内容的不同。我们为什么要教数学?学生为什么要学数学?小学数学教育的价值何在?小学数学教育的功能是什么?我们的数学教育是否凸现了数学的人文价值?这样一些关涉价值问题的答案直接关乎到数学教育的目的问题。为此,有必要对小学数学教育目的进行系统的人文反思与构建。 本文的论述主要分四个部分展开:第一章,主要对本研究所涉及的基本概念、研究背景和理论前提进行了阐释;第二章,对建国以来的小学数学教育目的进行了历史回顾与人文反思;第三章,对部分国家和地区的小学数学课程目标进行了比较研究,并且对我国目前的小学数学课程目标进行了解析;第四章,在对我国小学数学教育目的的历史反思和现实分析的基础之上,对人文视角的小学数学教育目的的构建提出了一些理论设想。

【Abstract】 Mathematics possesses not only scientific values but also humanism values. In the past, more attention was paid to the scientific value; as a result, the humanism values of mathematics were neglected. Mathematics education could not be completed after losing the very important values of humanism; this calls for our reflection on the matter.Aims functioned as the starting point and the end of in school education; there was no exception as far as mathematics is concerned. Mathematics educational aim of primary schools provided guidance for the students’ development in mathematics area. Educational aim of mathematics determines content and characteristic of mathematics education. What’s the purpose of teaching and learning mathematics? What are the value and function of mathematics in primary school? Since the answers to these questions will affect the aims of mathematics education definitely, it is necessary to reconstruct the humanism values in mathematics education on the basis of reflection.The paper included four chapters. Chapter one defined some key conceptions and illustrate the context of the study. Chapter two is to review and reflect the educational aim of mathematics in primary schools since the found of the PRC. Chapter three is the comparison about curriculum goal of some countries and regions and the analysis on curriculum goal of China. Chapter four is the design of educational aim of mathematics in primary school. Based on the proceeding discussion, some suggestions are provided on the design of educational aim of mathematics in primary school from the view of humanism.

  • 【分类号】G623.5
  • 【被引频次】5
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