

Research of Physical Ability Characteristic and the Relationship between Physiological Variables and Rowing Performance in Elite Male Rowers

【作者】 何卫龙

【导师】 黄玉山; 吴昊;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 运动人体科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 赛艇是有氧耐力性项目,对人体有氧能力和无氧能力要求都很高。对身体形态、身体机能、生化代谢、运动素质等方面的指标进行综合评定,可了解运动员的体能水平和特征,为制定训练计划提供实验依据。检验这些生理指标与赛艇测功仪运动成绩之间的关系,利用逐步回归分析对运动员的生理指标进行统计分析,建立成绩预测模型,可以找出与提高成绩密切相关的主要因素。这有助于运动员科学选材、选拔队员和更好的对运动员的体能进行评价,或用于制定训练计划。赛艇科研中有关这方面的研究还不多,国内还没有这方面的研究。 研究主要目的:(1)对运动员的部分生理生化指标进行分析,评定运动员的有氧和无氧专项运动能力,对运动员的体能进行综合评定。(2)分析生理参数与赛艇测功仪测试成绩的关系,找出与成绩密切相关的指标,为训练计划的制定提供一定的依据。(3)初步建立利用生理参数预测运动员测功仪测试成绩的回归方程成绩预测模型,探讨利用生理参数预测赛艇运动成绩的可行性。 本研究以14名中国优秀男子公开级赛艇运动员为研究对象,测定部分身体形态、运动素质、生化指标和最大吸氧量、乳酸阈,测功仪运动测试成绩及相关指标,根据这些指标进行体能评定和建立成绩预测模型,分析成绩与指标的关系。实验结果表明: (1)运动员的身高、体重达到世界级运动员的水平,但体脂含量过高。通过训练减少运动员的体脂百分数,将有助于运动能力的提高。 (2)队员最大吸氧量离世界级优秀运动员的标准有很大差距,乳酸阈功率也不高,这可能是我国运动员运动成绩较差的主要原因之一。 (3)测功仪2000 m和5000 m测试成绩与世界级选手有较大差距,2000 m各分段成绩和输出功率呈逐步下降趋势,运动后最大血乳酸浓度不高。提示运动员的 0华南师范大学体育科学学院2004届硕士学位论文何卫龙摘要 有氧能力、无氧能力和乳酸耐受能力均比世界级选手低得多。(4)最大吸氧量、乳酸阂功率与Zooom测功仪测试成绩高度相关,验证了赛艇运 动是以有氧能力为主的运动。瘦体重是除最大吸氧量外与成绩相关性最高的指 标。最大力量与成绩相关性很低,提示最大力量转化为专项运动力量的效率可 能较低。在制定训练计划时要充分考虑这些因素。(s)利用最大吸氧量和柔韧性指标建立测功仪2000m运动成绩预测模型是可行 的。(6)运动员的生化指标均处于一般人群的正常范围,提示运动员现阶段的恢复性训 练对机体刺激不大。这些数值可以作为基础值,为以后的训练监控提供参考。

【Abstract】 Introduction: Rowing is an aerobic endurance event, aerobic and anaerobic ability are both highly needed to complete a 2000m race. Variables from anthropometric, body functional, biochemistry metabolic and physical fitness reveal the rowers’ physical ability characteristic and help us to establish training plans. We can find out the main factors effecting rowing performance by investigating the relationship between physiological variables and rowing performance time by a 2000 m time-trial on a rowing ergometer and, at the same time, establish a prediction model using stepwise multiple linear regression. This will help us in athlete identification, athlete physical fitness evaluating and establishing training program. We review literatures about rowing and find that only a few studies paid attention to this research field and no article came from China.Objective: In this study we want to (1) analyze physiological and biochemistry variables from rowers, assess rowers’ aerobic and anaerobic rowing special ability and to assess their physical ability; (2) reveal the relation between physiological variables and performance and use the result to plan training program; (3) establish rowing performance prediction model with physiological variables using a stepwise multiple linear regression and discuss the feasibility of this prediction model. Method: 14 male elite rowers from China rowing team volunteered to participate. Variables assessed in this study from anthropometric, biochemistry, physical fitness and maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), Lactate threshold (W 4mmol/L), rowing performance time and correlative variables from 2000 m time-trial. All variables are analyzed to reveal their relation with rowing performance time.Results and conclusions:(1) Rowers in present study are as tall and heavy as world elite rower, but their body fat is higher than that of world elite rower. Their compete ability will ascend if rowers reduce their body fat with training.(2) The rowers’ VO2max and W4 mmol/L in the present study are lower than those of world elite rowers. We suppose these factors restrict China male rowers to win.(3) Present rowing performance time by 2000 m and 5000 m time-trial on rowing ergometer is longer than that of world elite rowers. In the 2000 m time-trial each 500 m power output descend and rowing performance time become longer with exercise perform and post-exercise blood lactic acid concentration is lower than that of world elite rowers. The fact suggests that rowers’ aerobic ability, anaerobic ability and blood lactic acid tolerance in present research are all poorer compared to those of world elite rowers.(4) VO2max and W4mmol/L have a strong correction to the 2000 m rowing performance by a time-trial. This proves the hypothesis that rowing is an aerobic endurance event. Free-fat body mass has the strongest correction to rowing performance when we do not think about VO2max. The poor correction between maximal strength and rowing suggest that it is difficult to transfer maximal strength to special rowing force. We should think about these effecting factors when establish training program.(5) The prediction model including VO2max and flexile variable can be used to predict rowing performance by a 2000 m time-trial on a concept II rowing ergometer.(6) Concentration of biochemical variables is in the normal range. It suggests that training stress be not so strong in the recover period and the basal value can be used to control training.

【关键词】 赛艇生理参数预测模型相关性评价
【Key words】 rowingphysiological variablesprediction modelrelationestimate
  • 【分类号】G861.4
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】859