

【作者】 徐红

【导师】 黄甫全;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 随着当代知识经济对创造性人才的呼唤以及国际范围内终身学习理念的提出与学习化社会的来临,加之我国高等教育大众化的日益推进所引起的人们对高等教育教学质量的普遍关注,使得研究高校教学方法这一古老问题寓了新的时代背景与时代内涵。 以往关于高校教学方法的研究,主要立足于思辨的角度,从理论层面对高校教学方法的内涵、高校教学方法的重要性与改革的必要性、高校教学方法的现状、影响高校教学方法的因素以及高校教学方法的发展趋势进行了研究,但由于缺乏现实中的批判性、实用性与针对性而对当前我国高校教学方法及其改革的实际贡献不大。 本文运用质的研究方法,以长江大学为案例,从实证的角度,采用过程范式,对本科教学方法之本真内涵、教学方法之真实现状、人们关于教学方法之现状的不同认识、教学方法的影响因素以及教学方法改革的总体设想进行了系统研究。 研究结果表明:长江大学相关人员对高校教学方法之内涵的理解不一致且倾向表浅化;教学管理领导与教师之年龄、学历、教龄、教学经历、专业以及职称等的不同,对高校教学方法之内涵的理解与现状的认识亦有所不同;影响教学方法的因素主要有教学目标、教学内容、教学管理领导的素质、教师的素质、学生的素质、教学管理体制、教学环境、习惯与文化传统以及教育经费等。长江大学应着实加大相关教学管理领导以及教师教育科学理论与教学教法知识的培训力度,增加教育经费,改善教学环境,加强师德建设,从重视讨论与交流、重视合作学习、重视探究和创新精神的培养、重视个性化教学以及重视采用现代教学技术等几个方面对本科教学方法进行改革。

【Abstract】 With the approach of Knowledge-based economy, the societies call for the creative people and life-long learning all over the world, popular of higher education in China arouses the thinking of the teaching quality. So study on the teaching methods become more meaningful in this era.Previous studies present a theoretical analysis of teaching method. They construct the conceptions of teaching method, the importance of the teaching method, the necessary of teaching method reform, the factors which influence the teaching method and the development tendency. But being lack of the criticism on the really higher education, the studies contribute not so much to the reform of teaching method in higher education.In order to offer the pertinent and practicable advice, this paper use the quality research to study the real condition of teaching methods, to study the conception of the teaching methods, the factors affecting the teaching methods. And it also provides suggestions to develop the teaching method as a whole. The paper takes Changjiang University as the case study.The paper point out that the conceptions of the faculty in Changjiang University tend to be superficial. With the difference of the teachers’ age, teaching experience, profession and the title, the conceptions differ from each other. The most important factors affect the teaching method include teaching objective, teaching material, the quality of students, teachers and leaders, the teaching management system, teaching environment, customs and culture and the educational funds.Changjiang University should strengthen the teaching administration and provide the training on the teaching methods for the teachers. And the university should increase the funds for education, prefer the teaching environment, and improve the teachers’ morals.To reform the teaching methods, Changjiang University should emphasize on the discussion, cooperative learning, inquiry and creative spirit, the individual teaching and modern teaching technique.

【关键词】 本科教学方法改革
【Key words】 undergraduate courseteaching approachreform
  • 【分类号】G642.4
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1368