

Flue-Cured Tobacco Water Index and Water Requirement Model at the Medium Textured Soil of Henan Province

【作者】 何健

【导师】 陈江华; 宫长荣;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 水分是烤烟产量和质量的重要保证。在不同土质和区域烤烟生长发育的需水规律存在差异,2002年和2003年采用桶栽和大田试验,研究了河南中壤烟区烤烟的需水规律,初步建立了烤烟大田的需水模型,结果如下: (1)通过对2002年、2003年的大田和桶栽试验研究结果的分析,认为河南中壤烟区烤烟生长发育的适宜水分指标为生根期土壤相对持水量55%~65%,旺长期土壤相对持水量75%~85%,成熟采收期土壤相对持水量为65%~75%。 (2)相同的水分处理情况下,在不同气候条件下烤烟耗水量存在很大差异。大田对照(为适宜水分条件)2002年耗水量生根期、旺长期、成熟前期分别为103.53mm、192.57mm、113.15mm,2003年对照耗水量生根期、旺长期、成熟前期、成熟后期、全生育期分别为86.14mm、176.80mm,138.47mm、48.11mm、449.52mm。 (3)适宜的水分条件,在气候条件存在很大差异情况下,河南中壤烟区烤烟作物系数具有相对的稳定性。按FAO—56推荐方法,修正后2003年襄城县烤烟单作物系数和基础作物系数初期阶段分别为0.93、0.23,中期阶段分别为1.13、1.09,后期阶段分别为0.54、0.45;2003年校科技园区烤烟单作物系数和基础作物系数初期阶段分别为0.93、0.24,中期阶段分别为1.17、1.12。土壤蒸发系数Ke是随着表土水分状况不断变化的,不同的气候条件下,具有相对的稳定性。 (4)双作物系数法计算的作物需水量与单作物系数法计算的作物需水量相比,更接近实测值。2003年襄城县试验初期阶段、发育阶段、中期阶段、后期阶段和全生育期双作物系数法计算的绝对偏差分别为-3mm、5mm、-19mm、2mm、-14mm,相对偏差分别为12.70%、4.87%、-8.36%、3.08%和一3.08%;2003年校科技园区试验初期阶段、发育阶段、中期阶段的绝对偏差分别为Znnn、5~、10nnn,相对偏差分别为8.00%、4.00%、4.26%;绝对值均小于或等于单作物系数计算结果。 (5)以2003年襄城县计算的双作物系数为基础,建立河南中壤烟区的烤烟需水模型为: ETm绍hanXET。 式中:ETm为烤烟需水量;ETo为计算时段内参考作物需水量;Kcm为计算时段内模型系数,随发育阶段不断变化,移栽后0~20天(缓苗结束开始进入伸根期)、20~40天、40一80天(下部叶采收结束,中部叶进入成熟期)、80天~结束依次为1.05、1.28、1.49、1.250 通过2002年、2003年的试验验证,该模型能很好地预测河南中壤烟区烤烟生育期的需水量。 用需水模型计算的作物需水量和实测的作物需水量的绝对偏差和相对偏差都较小。2002年襄城县试验的初期阶段、发育阶段、中期阶段前期相对偏差分别为一21 .74%、5.97%、一1.20%,2003年襄城县试验的初期阶段、发育阶段、中期阶段、后期阶段和全生育期,相对偏差分别为一11 .54%、4.42%、一9.2%、18 .46%、一3.08%,2003年校科技园区试验的初期阶段、发育阶段、中期阶段相对偏差分别为4.00%、4.80%、2.55%,基本在模型允许15%误差范围之内,说明该模型能够很好预测河南中壤烟区烤烟需水要求。

【Abstract】 The water is very important for the yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco, and the water needed by the growth and development of flue-cured tobacco was different at different soil and area, so we designed the pot and field experiments at 2002-2003 year and studied the water requirement of flue-cured tobacco in the medium textured soil at Henan province, and established the model of water requirement of field preliminarily.(1) The research results of pot and field experiments at the medium textured soil of Henan province of 2002 and 2003 as follows: the suitable water for the growth and development of flue-cured tobacco was 55-65% of soil relative moisture at the growth stage of root, 75-85% at the rapid growth stage and 65-75% at ripe stage.(2) the water consume was very different for the same treatment of water at different weather condition. For the suitable water at field CK of Xiang cheng countty ,the water consume of root growth stage, rapid growth stage, the former of ripe stage was respectively 103.53mm,192.57mm,113.15mm at 2002 and 86.14mm, 176.80mm, 138.47mm at 2003 , the later of ripe stage and the whole growth was respectively 48.11mm and 449.52mm at 2003.(3)the crop coefficient at the medium textured soil of Henan province was stable for the suitable water although there was significant different forweather. The single crop coefficient and basal crop coefficient at initial stage corrected was 0.93 and 0.23 at 2003 at Xiangcheng county by the method of FAO-56, 1.13 and 1.09 at middle stage, 0.54 and 0.45 at end stage; the single crop coefficient and basal crop coefficient at science and technology garden of school was 0.93 and 0.24 at initial stage, 1.17 and 1.12 at middle stage. The soil evaporation coefficient varied with the water stage of surface layer, but they were stable at different weather.(4) the crop water requirement accounted by the method of double crop coefficient was more close to the actual value compared with the method of single crop coefficient. The absolute warp of Xiangcheng county at initial stage, development stage, middle stage and end stage was respectively -3mm, 5mm, -19mm, 2mm and -14mm at 2003, the relative warp was respectively 12.70%, 4.87%, -8.36% 3.08% and-3.08%; the absolute warp of initial stage, development stage, middle stage was respectively 2mm, 5mm, 10mm, the relative warp was 8.00%, 4.00% and 4.26% at technology garden of school at 2003; the absolute value was all equal or lower than the . account result of single crop coefficient.(5)the model of water requirement of flue-cured tobacco at the medium textured soil of Henan province was ETm=KcmXET0 based on the double crop coefficient of Xiangcheng county at 2003. the ETm represents water requirement of flue-cured tobacco; ETO represents the reference water requirement of the reference crop at account stage , Kcm represents the coefficient of model of account stage, and the stages were changed incessantly , the 0-20d after transplanting( just enter the growth stage of root ), 20-40d, 40-80d(the harvesting of lower leaf ended, the middle leafenter the ripe stage), 80d until the end was respectively 1.05, 1.28, 1.49 and 1.25.The model could forecast the water requirement of flue-cured tobacco at the stage of development at Zhangrang of Henan province validated by the experiments of 2002 and 2003.The absolute warp and relative warp between the water requirement of crop accounted by the model of water requirement and that accounted by the actual measurement was both little. The relative warp of Xiangcheng county at initial stage, development stage, middle stage, end stage and the whole stage was respectively -11.54% 4.42% 9.2% -3.08% , and the relative warp of Xiangcheng county at initial stage, development stage and the former of middle stage was respectively -21.74% 5.97% -1.20% at 2003, the relative warp of science and technology garden of school at initial stage, development stage, middle stage was respectively 4.00% 4.80% 2.55% at 2003, the error of base model was al

  • 【分类号】S572
  • 【被引频次】13
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