

【作者】 徐均

【导师】 杨武;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国西部地区特指陕西、甘肃、宁夏、青海、新疆、四川、重庆、云南、贵州、西藏、广西、内蒙古12个省、自治区和直辖市,面积685万平方公里,占全国的71.4%。2002年末人口3.67亿人,占全国的28.8%。中国西部地区疆域辽阔,资源丰富,人口稀少,少数民族聚居,由于自然环境及人文历史等各方面的原因,与东部地区相比,西部地区经济长期欠发达。 新中国成立后,党和国家十分重视西部地区的经济建设和开发。在“一五”计划和“三线”建设时期,我国已经历了两次大规模的西部开发,初步奠定了西部地区工业化的基础。上世纪末党和政府提出要实施的“西部大开发”不同与前两次西部开发,它是在以往两次开发已取得一定成效基础之上的进一步开发或再次开发,也是我国西部经济首次涉及包括生态环境保护、基础设施建设、经济、社会、科技和教育等各方面内容的全面性开发,更是一次为实现国家经济整体协调发展的长期性开发。 基础设施建设是西部地区大开发的战略重点,在西部与西部大开发战略中居于先导和基础地位。由于西部地区基础设施项目建设面广,未来预测投资数额十分巨大,单纯依靠过去主要以政府投资为主的投融资旧机制已无法保证达到预期的建设和发展目标。为了加快西部地区基础设施建设的发展速度,根据基础设施建设的客观需求发展趋势,对西部地区基础设施建设投融资机制的调整与改革已势在必行。因此,对西部地区基础设施建设发展趋势和投融资机制进行研究具有现实意义。 本文在对西部地区经济开发历史回顾的基础上,阐述了基础设施建设在西部大开发中的地位,分析了西部地区基础设施建设的现况、发展前景及投融资机制方面存在的问题,进而对西部地区基础设施投融资机制调整改革方向和措施作了研究性探讨。

【Abstract】 The Western Region of China consists of the 12 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government which are Shanxi, Gansu. Ningxia. Qinghai, Xinjiang. Sichuan, Chungqing, Yunnan, Guizhao, Xizang, Guangxim and Neimenggu. It has an area of about 6.85 million square kilometers, which is equal to 71.4% of the area of whole China. The population of the Western Region in China is about 367 million, which is equal to 28.8 % of the population of whole country. With vast territory and a sparse population the Western Region of China is rich in natural resources. Compared with the Eastern Region of China, because of the reasons of natural environment and history the economy of the Western Region of China is undeveloped for long time.Since the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, Chinese Government has attached great importance to the economic development in the Western Region. In early 50’s and late 60’s China had launched twice large-scale economic development in the Western Region , and as the result the essential basis of industrialization has been established in this region. In late 90’s of the 20 century Chinese Government has launched a new round large-scale economic development in the Western Region so called "West Development" which is different from the early West Development happened in early 50’s and late 60’s. The recent China’s West Development is a redevelopment based on the early development and also is a comprehensive development involving protection of ecosystem and environment, infrastructure construction, economy, society, science and technology, education etc. The goal of China’s West Development is to ensure a coordinative development of whole China’s economy in a long period.The infrastructure construction is the strategic point of China’s West Development. Because of the huge amount of infrastructure projects to be built in future, the capital investment is tremendously enormous and the old investment system in which government was always play the unique leading actor will no longer meet the requirement of fast development in the Western Region of China. In order to speed upthe infrastructure construction in the Western Region, it is necessary to adjust and reform the investment system for China’s West Development according to the actual requirement and development trend. Therefore, it is practically useful to study the problems related to the trend of the infrastructure construction and the reform of investment system for the Western Region of China.On the basis of history reviewing of the economic development in the Western Region of China, this article expounded the position of infrastructure construction in the China’s West Development, analyzed the current situation and development trend of the infrastructure construction in the Western Region of China, and then researched the issues occurred in the present invest system, the possible directions and measures about the adjustment and reform of the investment system for the China’s West Development.

【关键词】 西部地区基础设施投融资机制
【Key words】 western regioninfrastructureinvestment system
  • 【分类号】F287
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】383