

【作者】 刘建锋

【导师】 张丽君;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,中国经济快速增长举世瞩目,区域经济发展的不平衡问题也越来越突出。西部大开发战略的实施,标志着中国现代化建设重心的西移。西部大开发,不仅对当前整个中国经济具有至关重要的战略意义,而且也将是中华民族未来生存与发展的关键举措,是事关全局,举世瞩目的千秋伟业。西部大开发,既可以缩小东西部发展差距,实现东西部经济的协调发展,又可以最大限度地调动整合全国各种优势资源,拓展全国经济的发展空间,真正使西部地区与东部地区一样,政治持续稳定,经济日益繁荣,生活共同富裕,社会不断进步。 经济的发展,关键在于人,在于掌握现代科学技术水平的人力和人才。因此,西部大开发的根本是人力资源开发。人力资源开发是西部大开发的原动力,是实现西部地区现代化宏伟战略的基本措施,是推动西部地区经济发展的重要保证。马克思将人力资源称为“第一资源”。人力资源是经济增长的能动性生产要素,是提高劳动生产率的决定性因素,随着工业经济时代向知识经济时代的过渡,人力资源作为知识和技术的载体,对经济增长的贡献日益提高。甚至有人称,人力资源有可能是这个星球上等待被开掘的最后一项资源。因此,人力资源的开发利用对西部地区经济的发展具有重要的现实意义。 “援之以鱼,不如摄之以渔”。现代市场经济的竞争,归根到底是人才的竞争。从这个意义上说,抓好人才的培养、选拔、使用,是 加速改革开放、加快经济发展的关键。在市场经济条件下,西部地区 不仅要加强基础设施的建设,更重要的是要提高人的素质。只有有效 地实施人才开发战略,才能提高西部地区的整体素质,加速经济的发 展。 木论文试图从西部地区人力资源的数量和质量的现状和存在问 题分析入手,以马克思主义理论为指导,结合关研究成果,采取定性 分析与定量分析相结合的方法,得出人力资源开发是西部经济发展的 关键这一结论。 全文共分三个部分。第一部分阐明了人力资源开发的基本理论, 以及人力资源开发在西部大开发中的作用。人力资源开发是西部大开 发的原动力,强调人力资源是西部经济发展中的第一性资源。第二部 分呈示了西部人力资源开发的背景及西部地区人力资源状况及成因, 通过对西部人口数量、人口增长的各项指标的详细分析,概括出西部 人力资源的数量、素质特征和利用状况的基本态势。第三部分论述人 力资源开发的根本是以教育促进人的素质提高,要通过各种形式的强 化教育,达到西部人力资源素质的整体提高。人力资源开发的重要途 径是西部劳动力空间转移。劳动力转向非农产业领域就业、人口转移 到城市里居住、人们追逐更高的收入水平,是经济发展必然过程。人 力资源开发的关键是科技。西部地区要发展,经济是中心;经济要振 兴,科技是关键;科技要进步,教育是基础。西部地区只有大力发展 科学技术,才能顺利实现西部地区跨越式发展。

【Abstract】 Since China adopted the reform and open-policy, the rapid growth in economy has gained the world renown, and unbalanced development of economy among different areas become more and more serious. The implementation of western development strategy, is a sign of China modernization stressing on western area. Western development, has significant meaning not only to current China economic, but also to future existence and development. It’s really an achievement related to the whole picture of China. Western development, can minimize the gap between eastern and western area, harmonize the economic development between eastern and western area, and also can utilize various resources to the full extent. By this way, eastern area can have the same opportunity as western area, keep continues development and prosperity in economic, and remain a stable political environment.The key factor of economy development, is human, the talent with modem technology and science. So western area development is the development of human resources that is the motive power of economy development, the basic measurement to achieve western modernization, and the important guarantee to western area economic development. Human resource is so called ’the first resource’ by Karl Marx. Human resource is a dynamic productive factor to the growth of economy, andthe deciding factor to the improvement of labor productivity. During the transition from industry economy to knowledge economy, human resource, as the owner of technology and science, play a more and more important role in the economy growth. To some extent, we can say, human resource may be the last resource to be explored in the earth. So the development of human resource has important realistic meaning to western area economic development.The competition of modern market economy is the competition of talents in the end. From this point of view, the cultivation, selection and usage of talents is the key point of accelerating reform and opening, and economy development. Under market economy situation, western area not only needs to reinforce the construction of infrastructure, but also needs to improve the quality and capability of people, and the latter is more important. Only by implementing human resource development strategy effectively, can improve the general quality of western area, and then accelerate economy development.The thesis tries to reach a conclusion that human resources development is the key of western area development, by analyzing the current status and existing problems of quantity and quality of human resources in western area, with the combination of related research results, and adopting the analysis method of quantification and nature be guided by Marx theory.The thesis includes three chapters. Chapter one elaborates the basic theory of human resources development, and it’s function in western area development. Human resources development is the motive power of western area development, and its first priority importance is emphasized. Chapter two introduces the background of human resources development in western area, its current situation and the reason. Through the detailed analysis of population and various indicators of population growth, summarizes the basic trend of quantity, quality and usage of human resources in western area. Chapter three discusses the basis of human resources development is education. Education can improve the capability of people, through various styles education, to reach the quality improvement as a whole. The most important way of human resources development is labor force transfer. Labor forces transfer to non-agriculture area, and people move to city to earn higher income, it’s a necessary process in economy development. The key point of human resources development is technology. Economy is the center of western area development, and technology plays the most important role in economy development, and education is the basis of technology. Only depends on technology and science development, can western area achiev

【关键词】 人力资源西部开发经济发展教育
【Key words】 human resourceswestern areaeconomy developmenteducation
  • 【分类号】F249.27
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】410