

【作者】 吉莉莉

【导师】 常永才;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学教育原理, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 进入21世纪,学习化社会来临,知识经济初现端倪,高等教育日益大众化,成人高等教育迎来史无前例的发展机遇。人类进入信息时代,尤其是因特网的日益发达,使得计算机科学成为成人高等教育中一个日益热门、前景广阔的专业。 社会转型和高等教育的变革,使得能够较好地适应在职成人学员特点的成人高等教育形式——夜大学的发展日益面临机遇与挑战,尤其是课程已成为制约夜大学办学质量的主要内部因素之一;另一方面,因成人高校招生政策的改革,新时期夜大学的学员呈现出显著的新特点。本人在夜大学日常工作中有一个日益强烈的感受,那就是教材选择很困难,因为专为夜大学学员编写的教材很少,学员也经常对课程资源抱怨。显然,针对学员特点开发夜大学计算机专业课程资源势在必行。 本研究以《成人高校计算机专业教育的调查研究——夜大学的学员特点与专业课程资源的革新》为题,参考当代著名成人教育学者诺尔斯的“成人自我指导学习理论”的概念框架和基本理念,以有典型代表性的四所普通高校(北京大学、北京地质大学、北京信息工程学院和北京联合大学)的夜大学168名本专科学生和10余名教员为对象,运用文卷调查、深度访谈、国内外计算机专业教材案例分析、行动研究等方法技术,侧重从新时期夜大学的学员特点与课程资源开发的角度,探讨了夜大学专业课程改革的问题。 本研究的主要结论是,(1)本研究结果大体与诺尔斯的成人学习理论一致,但由于中美文化传统和成人教育国情的差异,夜大学学员在作为学习者的自我观念、学习动机等方面不完全符合该理论。新时期夜大学计算机专业学员还具有跨专业和行业报考者日益增多、年轻化、相当部分学员基础较差等。(2)学员和教员对计算机专业教材的主要意见在三个方面:一,“内容较陈旧,跟不上时代的发展”;二,“内容太理论化,学完后实际价值不大”;三,“内容与我工作岗位实际需要脱节”等。 (3)针对这些问题,本研究在借鉴国外优秀教材经验的基础上,提出了夜大学计算机专业课程资源革新的理念与对策建议。 本研究的学术贡献主要在于:在国内首次较系统、严谨地调查了夜大学计算机专业师生的特点尤其是学习心理特点,及其对专业课程资源特别是对教材的意见;提出了成人教育教材心理学化的概念;系统分析了国外优秀计算机专业教材开发的经验。本研究结果对夜大学课程等方面的改革,也可以切实提供智力参考。

【Abstract】 As the 21st coming, we are facing the learning society and knowledge-based economy. It also popularizes the higher education increasingly. The adult higher education is facing a great developing opportunity. It’s also a information times, especially the rapid progress in Internet, computer science is becoming a hot profession in the adult higher education. The society transforms and the innovation of the higher education, making the evening school facing the opportunity and challenge. The evening school is a good adult higher education for working people, but the farther improvement is restricted to the absurd course setting. On one hand, the evening school students show new characteristics. On the other hand, I can feel the great change in my evening school working, especially how to choose an adaptive teaching book for our students, it’s really a hard work. The evening school students usually complain the course resources. Obviously, it’s imperative to develop the appropriate course resources for evening school students.My topic is "the investigative study on the education reformation of the amateur adult collage computer profession: the characteristics of evening school students in the new period and the innovation of course resources". I use "Self-direction for adult learning" theory (from M.Knowles, famous adult education scholar) to reference. I investigated four universities and collages (Peking University, Beijing Geology university, Beijing Information Technology Institute, Beijing United University), include 168 students and more than 10 teachers. With the research methods of questionnaire investigating, interview, domestic and international teaching books antitheses and action analysis, I research into the innovation of professional course for evening school education, emphasizing particularly on the study of the characteristics of evening school students in the new era and the development of course resources.The main conclusions are: (1) we almost got an accordant research result with M.Knowles adult learning theory in part, but it also have some different issues, for the different culture, tradition, education situation, learning motive and so on between American students and Chinese students. (2) the main problems of course books from students and teachers are: first, the contents are dated, can’t keeping up with the development of information technology "; second, book contents are too academic, unvalued for use; third, it’s tough to use what they learn. (3) I present some innovational suggestions about computer professional course for evening school education.This investigation contributes to: investigated the characteristics, especially psychology, of evening school students and teachers systemic, and get their feedback on the course books. Raised adult education psychologic theory. Studied foreign professional computer teaching books, get some experience on book development. This research will provide help to the reformation of evening school education.

  • 【分类号】G724
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】210