

【作者】 刘洪文

【导师】 董艳;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 教育学原理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪的一个重要特征就是全球化。人与人之间、民族与民族之间、国家与国家之间相互依存的程度越来越高,这种时代的发展与变化,需要人们用一种开放的视野、平等的态度、相互包容的心胸来加强彼此之间的理解与合作,促进世界各国的合作与交往。这就向教育提出了一个重要的问题:如何培养学生国际理解的态度、能力以及与人交往、与人共处的能力?如何培养学生在日益国际化的社会里与他人共同生活、相互合作?怎样使学生拥有更开阔的国际视野、国际意识?怎样使学生正确认识当今的国际问题以及面临的全球性问题?这已成为举世瞩目的焦点,这就需要国际理解教育来实现。 在我国,随着全球化进程的加快,特别是中国加入WTO和成功申办奥运会,中国与世界的联系愈加紧密,当前中国已进入广泛深入的世界文化接触当中,很多不同文化碰撞也必然相伴而生。在素质教育中,明确提出了“面向世界”、培养“世界意识”的要求。在新课程标准中部分学科也提出了要培养学生的“多元文化意识”、“国际意识”、“理解与尊重世界各国文化”等,因此,在当前中国,明确地进行规范的国际理解教育已经迫在眉睫。 国际理解教育所提倡的教育观念和教育目标与素质教育的方向是一致的,是对素质教育理论和内涵的充实和丰富。基础教育是人生整个教育过程中最重要的教育阶段,现在正在接受教育的青少年儿童,将在21世纪的进程中发挥重要作用,为了培养21世纪更强有力的面向世界的中国公民,我们必须大力开展国际理解教育。国际理解教育是怎样的一种教育?当前青少年国际理解的态度、能力怎样及存在哪些问题及其原因是什么?在中小学怎样开展国际理解教育?这是本文试图所要解决的问题。 本项研究主要从全球化背景为视角,借鉴国内外国际理解教育的相关理论实践,初步探讨国际理解教育的理论和实践思路,期望在我国现行基础教育体制下,为我国中小学开展国际理解教育提供理论与实践指导。为此,笔者采用文献分析法查阅了大量相关的文献资料,梳理国内外国际理解教育的理论与实践总结,首先对国际理解教育的发展状况作一总体概述;同时对国际理解教育的概念作了分析界定,阐明其基本内涵及特征,以形成对国际理解教育的整体认识,为研究提供理论支持;其次采用问卷调查及访谈的方法对目前关于对国际理解教育的认识及中小学学生的国际知识、国际理解的态度、能力、对外学习、交流等情况进行调查,发现存在问题并分析原因;在此基础上,对国际理解教育所要达到的目标进行了分析并提出了国际理解教育的实践思路。

【Abstract】 The significant feature of 21 century is the globalization. The interdependence degree is more and more higher than before. The development and alternation of age make people have open field of vision and attitude of equality in order to strengthen understand and cooperation. The important problem of education was put forward, how to foster the attitude and ability of international understanding? How to develop the ability of relationship and cooperation? How to make the student have wider international field of vision? etc. These have become the focus of worldwide.In our country, China keep in higher contact with world than ever before. At present, china has penetrated into the cultural exchange of world widely, in the quality education, put forward clearly and definitely "face world", develop "consciousness of world " and in the new criterion of curriculum has put forward "foster consciousness of multi-culture of student and international consciousness and understand and respect culture of world" so, at present, education for international understanding has put into practice that is extremely urgent in China.The elementary education is the most important stage in the entire education process of life. The boys and girls will bring into play the significant action in the 21 century, in order to foster the powerful Chinesecitizen of 21 century, we must launch education for international understanding vigorously, what is the education for international understanding? How is the attitude and ability of international understanding of boys and girls? How to put into effect about education for international understanding? These problems that the article try to resolve.The research probe into the theory and practice thinking of education for international understanding, in order to supply theory and practice direction for our primary and middle school. The writer adopts the analytic approach of literature and examines great quantity of related literature datum, clarity the fundamental connotation and feature of education for international understanding, in order to supply theory support for the research. Secondly the writer put into investigate and gain the evidence on the spot, discovering problem and analysis the reason, on the basis of the investigation and study, the writer analysis the target of education for understanding and put forward the thinking of practice.

  • 【分类号】G631
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】952