

【作者】 丁英超

【导师】 王军;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 艺术教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以《我国专业艺术院校民族器乐课程设置研究》为题,通过对吉林艺术学院音乐学院的个案分析,了解我国专业艺术院校民族器乐课程设置普遍存在的问题。追其根源,对我国专业艺术院校民族器乐教学的发展历史和目前艺术学院民族器乐教学课程设置的具体分析,寻找这些问题存在的原因及差距,努力探索一条“跨学科”发展民族器乐教学之路。本文的主要内容包括: 绪言——对选题的基本构想、主要内容、核心问题、理论框架、研究方法和理论意义作了简要的描述和说明。 第一章——我国民族器乐教学历史沿革与目前现状。通过对我国民族器乐教学的历史沿革及我国民族器乐教学现状两个方面的分析,从我国民族器乐悠久、深厚的历史传统中,找出现在我国民族器乐教学模式上存在的种种弊端。 第二章——时代发展与民族器乐教学面临的挑战。从新科技的冲击对民乐教学产生的重大而深远的影响、民族文化的差异和跨学科的发展对传统音乐文化的冲击、民族器乐教学面临的问题三个方面,提出了现代民族器乐教学能否满足人们的欣赏需要,传统的民族器乐教学能否使民族音乐走入世界,能否培养出世界级一流的音乐人才,这些民族器乐研究者们值得深思的问题。 第三章——现代民族器乐教学理念的建立。根据时代的要求,提出更新课程内容,进行课程改革研究,创建一个全新的民族器乐教学理念。强调现代民族器乐教学首先应该打破陈旧的单一型、被动型、封闭型的教学理念,构建起一个以开放性,个性化,互动型,复合型为基础的新民族器乐教学理念,来指导民族器乐教学课程设置。 第四章—音乐学院民族器乐教学课程设置研究。从音乐学院历史发展的角度,对民族器乐教学现状进行分析,找出课程设置普遍存在的问题。在师资结构的合理构建、学生培养目标的变化与对策、人才培养模式与对策几个方面的分析,适应音乐事业发展的需要,提出了对民族器乐人才培养的基本原则和对策,对民族器乐课程设置提出意见与建议。附录一一吉林艺术学院教学计划表。附录二一学生问卷调查表。

【Abstract】 In the thesis "Research on the Arrangement of Traditional Instrument Courses in National Art College",by analyzing the teaching state of Music School attached to Jilin College of the Arts,the author pointed out the key problems on the arrangement of the courses in traditional instrumemt teaching.And then,on the basis of the development of the traditional instrument education in China,considering its present situation in JCA,the author discussed with us abort what reason to make them exist and what methods we will take to resolve them,so as to find a new teaching way - offer some new courses from other subjects in teaching.The following is the main content:Introduction: Briefly describe and explain main ideas,the key problems,specialized theories and some theoretical meaning.Chapter 1:Analysis on the development and present sitration of traditional instrument education.According to the analysis on the two aspects:the teaching history and present teaching, the armor pointed out the shortcomings existed in the teaching system of traditional instruments.Chapter 2:The disparity between the need of time and the presentsituation of traditional instrument education and how it is formed.The teaching in traditional instruments will face the following conflicts :new science and technology and the old traditional instrument education,our culture and the ones from different countries,the courses from other subjects and the traditional musical course, Considering the above three aspects and their origins, the author pointed out 4 serious problems which are concerned in this thesis: whether modern traditional instruments education can meet the need of the present people’s appreciation,whether it can be accepted by the people from other countries to reflect and express their emotion,whether it can create the top works in totally different and skillful style,whether it can foster the first-class talents in the world.These questions are worth considering by the experts in traditional instrument education.Chaper 3:The idea on modern traditional instrument education.First, the teachers should put an end to the passivity, backwardness of the present teaching, set up an open, complex, characteristic and changeable teaching methods to direct to reform our courses in traditional instrument.Chapter 4: Analyze the isolated cases of the arrangement in teaching courses of traditional instrument in Music School of JCA.From various angles to exam the development in the teaching of JCA, analyzing the present teaching in JCA, the author pointed out someproblems in the arrangement of courses.What measures we will take can help as to solve the following problem: the changing of the teachers rank, and the changeable methods of cultivating the students abilities, the author aim directly at them to express her idea in detail. At the last, according to the material of Jilin Collehe of the Arts "The proposal of Enhancing the Teaching Work and Raising the Quality in Teaching", the author pointed out some desirable measures and matters of principle, so as to improve the teaching quality and better the present teaching condition,and at the same time, the author state her methods on fostering talents of traditional instruments and her proposal on the arrangement on traditional instruments courses.Appendix 1: Form of Teaching Programme in JCA Appendix 2: Form of Investigation to Students

  • 【分类号】J63
  • 【被引频次】5
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