

Application Study of Fractal Theory in Corporation Dynamic Management

【作者】 李秀英

【导师】 马军海;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经学院 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 分形企业管理的组织管理模式是一个新的概念,本文研究和论述了分形企业的每个组成部分都是独立的,能够自主决策,同时又能正确处理它们在整个企业系统中的地位和作用,即每个组成部分都有自我优化、自我设计、自我创造和自我组织的功能,但又都受到整个企业任务这个大环境的制约。这种企业适应外部环境的能力显著提高,能及时调整其结构以应付外部变化,这对处于瞬息万变的场环境中的企业显然是十分有利的组织和管理模式。在本论文的组织结构中,绪论部分集中论述了分形管理理论的研究背景与研究意义,提出该项研究的必要性所在;接着介绍了分形理论的发展历程及现状,由于目前理论界对分形管理的理解仅局限在解释概念和思想的阶段,故对分形的基本特征做一详细的描述,进而引出分形管理的核心所在;而后介绍了分形企业的基本概念及特征,只有建立了分形的企业,才可以相应的进行分形管理;继而介绍了分形管理模式在企业管理各领域中具体应用研究,选择组织结构领域和生产流程领域对分形管理的核心思想进行了详细的体现;案例分析部分介绍了cAs型企业建立的思想、架构、实施过程和相应策略进行了更深层次的论述。 创新性是该论文的亮点所在,作为复杂性科学的重要组成部分的分形理是目前各个领域研究的前沿问题,分形管理的理论研究和实践皆是作者的一些不成熟的想法。本文尝试着完善分形企业的概念、分析分形企业的特征、分形管理模式在企业管理各领域中具体应用研究,选择组织结构领域和生产流程领域对分形 管理的核心思想进行了详细的体现,并且文章的结尾建立了完整的cAs型企业体系。 分形理论应用于企业管理,是新世纪管理学的发展趋势,很多问题的研究仍 处于襁褓之中,尚有大量的问题有待研究探索。

【Abstract】 Fractal business enterprise management is a new concept of the organizing management method. In this thesis, I study and discuss the notion that every part of the fractal enterprise is independent, have self-determination to make decision, and can deal with the station and function in an organization. Namely each part all has the excellent ego optimization, ego design, ego creation and ego organizes, but is strict by the huge environment of the whole business enterprise mission. The ability of this kind of enterprise improves awfully, and can adjust its construction to cope with the exterior changes on time. This organizing and management method is helpful to the changeable marketing enterprise. As to the structure of this thesis, the introduction part concentrates to discuss the theoretical research background and study signification of fractal management, put forward the investigative necessity. Then it introduces the development course and present condition. As a result of that the understanding of fractal management is at the stage of explaining the concept, 1 describe the basic characteristic of fractal in detail, and derivate the core of the fractal management. Later it includes the basic concept and characteristics of the fractal enterprise. Only have the business enterprise that established fractal, can then homologous proceeding fractal management. In the following part, it introduces the particular application study in different fields of enterprise management, especially choose organize structure and manufacture process. In the case analyzing part, it includes the thought, frame, implement course and strategy of the CAS system.Creative is the elite of this thesis. Fractal theory, which is the important part of the complexity science, is the most preceding problem of each current investigative field. Both the theory study and the practice study is the immature thought of the author. This text tries to perfect the concept of the fractal enterprise, analyze the characteristic of the fractal enterprise and the concrete application study in enterprise management fields, choose organize structure and manufacture process to show the

  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【被引频次】3
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