

【作者】 刘晓敬

【导师】 陈之楚;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经学院 , 金融学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国自20世纪50年代开始建立“城保”已半个多世纪,且社会经济状况已得到很大改善,现在应该是考虑在有条件的地方逐步建立农村社会养老保险制度的时候了。中国老龄协会会长李宝库从关注农村特困老年人生存状况的角度,谈及农村社会保障问题,说农民的养老问题的确到了应该考虑的时候了。2004年,“三农”问题成为了政府工作报告中的“重中之重” ,解决“三农”问题正成为真正意义上全国的头等大事。我之所以选择农村社会养老保障作为硕士论文,也是考虑到“三农”问题应该是得到足够重视的时候了。论文全文结构为五章。第一章,从农民的经济基础分析入手,阐述了我国农村养老保障的方式及存在的问题,表明传统的养老保障方式面临着挑战。第二章, 在研究国外农村养老保障进程和方式的基础上,提出我国建立农村养老保障可借鉴的经验。第三章, 中国农村社会养老保障的现实模式分析,对建立农村社会养老保险的必要性和发展历程作了较详细地论述,并分析现有模式存在的问题,为下一章的理性选择作了铺垫。第四章, 中国农村社会养老保障模式理性选择及其对策,本章是基于中外农村养老保障分析,提出就目前农村经济发展水平,应建立多层次农村社会养老保障模式,并在实际应用分析的基础上,提出对策。第五章,中国农村建立社会养老保险的可行性分析,本章是全文重心。首先,根据全国农民家庭收入水平估算出绝大多数农民已具有了缴纳农村社会养老保险费的能力;其次,根据东、中、西部的农民收入差距,提出农村社会养老保险的推出不能一步到位,应该区别情况逐步推动;最后,用数学精算模型,根据设定条件,对现有收入及支出水平下的农民缴费能力进行了可支付能力的分析,得出了同样的结论:农村社会养老保险制度的建立不能搞一刀切,而多层次的养老保险制度可以满足不同阶层,不同经济状况,不同生活需求的投保者。本文创新之处:首先,基于农民“活到老干到老”的现状,提出农民的退休年龄可以适当延长,并根据人们的经济水平和偏好,设计可选择的退休年龄;其次,用可查到的最新数据为基础,根据农民收入水平差距对缴纳社会养老保险费的经济可行性进行量化分析,提出社会养老保险的推出应分地区逐步推进。

【Abstract】 It is nearly half century since China established urban social security in 1950s. Now the social economic situation has improved greatly. It is time that we should establish rural social endowment insurance in conditional area. Li Baoku, the president of China Aging Population Society, puts forward it is time that China should consider the ole-age care of peasant in the views of living situation of rural particular poverty old person.The problem of peasant and village has become the most important thing of Chinese government in 2004. Undoubtedly, it wills a big year of eight hundred million peasants in 2004. In this case, I choose Rural Social Aged Security as my thesis for the degree of master. The paper takes five chapters as structure. The first chapter discusses the current aging models from the present situation of peasant’s living and consumption. Then it refers that the present family maintenance is faced with crisis.The second chapter compares to foreign rural social endowment insurance model and puts forward some propositions to establish of rural social endowment insurance in China.Chapter three discusses the necessity that China establishes the rural social endowment insurance in China. It looks back on the developing course of present rural social endowment insurance in China and the existing problem.Chapter four looks forward the multilevel model of rural social endowment insurance is our current choice and the countermeasures of establishing rural social endowment insurance.Chapter five is vital of my paper. It discusses the economic possibility of establishing rural social endowment insurance according to the income of peasants. Then it discusses the ability of paying for premium with actuarial model in some certain referred conditions. At last I get a result that China should establish step and step rural social endowment insurance.I bring forth new ideas such as referring to the age of peasant’s retirements should be prolonged according to the situation of “Peasants are never too old to work” and China should establish rural social endowment insurance step by step according to the income level of peasants in different districts.

  • 【分类号】F323.89
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】779