

Construction Technology and Project Application Studying of No-dig Horizontal Directional Drilling Pipe Paving

【作者】 刘军

【导师】 王社良;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从理论到实践对非开挖水平定向钻机地下管线铺设技术及方法进行了系统的分析和研究,特点是针对当前的非开挖水平定向钻进施工过程中在非开挖技术的应用方面存在的问题进行了较深入的分析,从工程实施的角度出发,着重论述了如何提高非开挖水平定向钻机在地下管线铺设中的安全性和施工质量,即采用非开挖定向钻机铺设地下管线应以前期的资料收集、地层分析及地下管网探测为前提和基础,以定向轨迹的设计和计算为理论依据。定向钻孔的施工是关键,泥浆配备是回拖铺设成功的重要保证。 在前期准备方面,本文强调在闹市区采用非开挖定向钻进铺设地下管线时全面收集原有地下管线资料的重要性,强调物探技术是对原有地下管线探查的重要手段,即保证原有地下管线安全性及操作人员人身安全的重要保证措施。 在具体施工的过程中,本文强调了设计轨迹的重要性和严肃性,在施工定向轨迹时,一定要根据设计轨迹的要求,选择合适的定向钻机和导向设备,严格遵循设计轨迹进行施工,同时强调在回拖铺管过程中泥浆配备的重要性。 就当前水平定向钻进铺设地下管线工程市场不规范和行业标准不统一的问题,本文从非开挖水平定向钻进铺管技术特殊性和安全性及地下资源空间的合理利用方面提出了自己的看法和见解,特别强调了对非开挖定向钻进铺管工程技术资料的管理和非开挖施工工程的统一规划管理的问题,并对非开挖水平定向钻进施工进行了技术经济分析,并就非开挖施工工程的管线定位的仪器研发进行了分析探讨,为非开挖施工的管线规范管理提出了新思路和研究方向。 本文还通过大量详实的非开挖工程实例来论述在不同非开挖定向钻进施工中各个环节和因素的作用。

【Abstract】 The technology and method of no-dig horizontal directional drilling pipe paving can be systemic analysis and studying from theory and practice in this paper. The character is aimed at the problem of the no-dig horizontal directional drilling application, which can be analyzed deeply. From the point of view of engineering construction practice, how to improve security and construction quality of no-dig horizontal directional drilling in the under pipe paving, i.e. Using no-dig horizontal directional drilling paving under pipe should be the basis of data collection, stratum analysis and pipe detecting, be theory basic of designing of directional tracking. Construction of directional drilling hole is the key. Slop prepare is the important ensuring of back-dragging successfully.In the way of prophase preparing, this paper emphasizes the importance of full collecting inhering under pipe using no-dig horizontal directional drilling paving in the busy street and emphasizes the exploration technology being the main mean of inhering under pipe. Thus it can provide the main pledge measure of under pipe security and operator security.During the detail construction, this paper emphasized the importance and seriousness of designing tracking. When construction of directional hole, according to the demand of designing tracking, we choose suitable directional drilling machine and control equipment and emphasized the importance of slop prepare during the back-dragging.For the problem of present engineering no criterion market and industry standard disunity of no-dig horizontal directional drilling under pipe paving, the view is put forward in particularity and security of no-dig horizontal directional drilling pipe paving and in reason using of under resource. It emphasizes engineering method data management and unify layout management of no-dig horizontal directional drilling. And it analyzes technology economic and discuss the development of under pipe directional equipment and put forward new thought and studying aspect of no-dig horizontal directional drilling construction engineering criterion management-The effect of all kinds of tache and factor in the different no-dig directional drilling construction are discussed from a great deal of detail no-dig engineering examples.

  • 【分类号】TU990.3
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1092