

Research on MSW Incineration and Power Generation

【作者】 任群

【导师】 高湘; 伊学农;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 市政工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国城市化进程的加快,城市生活垃圾也在不断增加,目前,我国已有200多个城市陷入了垃圾围城的窘境中。本研究立足于垃圾处理的无害化、减量化、资源化的治理目标,立足于选用技术先进、性能优越、质量保证、运行可靠、操作方便、经济合理、环境达标,并符合垃圾焚烧厂使用要求的国内外设备,重点研究主要适合于我国中小城市需要的中小型垃圾焚烧厂的设计方案,并把技术资料的完整性、研究内容的系统性和设计方案的实用性作为本项目的工作重点,同时本研究也可作为我国筹建垃圾焚烧厂的重要参考。 通过本文的研究可以看到,我国城市垃圾的产量和垃圾成分都在不断变化:垃圾的产量正在以每年7~9%增长率呈上升趋势,垃圾的组成成分呈现了“低热值、高水分、多变化”的特点,在经济较发达的城市,垃圾的热值已超过了1000kC/kg,使垃圾焚烧发电成为可能。 本文对目前国内外垃圾焚烧的主要工艺和设备进行了全面的介绍,结合我国国情和具体工程实例,提出了垃圾治理产业化和以公益为主的垃圾处理两个不同思路下,垃圾焚烧炉的不同选择,即选择垃圾处理产业化道路,更宜选择循环流化床垃圾焚烧炉;而单纯侧重于垃圾治理的公益型道路,则更宜选择机械炉排垃圾焚烧炉。 本文对垃圾焚烧后产生的粉尘、有害气体(特别是二恶英)、废水、噪音等污染也进行了详细研究,针对不同的污染特点,结合具体工程,提出了不同的治理措施。另外,本文还结合具体工程,对各工艺系统进行了概略描述,对工程选址、用地面积指标等也进行了分析,提出了进行工程设计时的具体意见。 本文结合具体工程,对垃圾焚烧发电的经济效益进行了详细分析,结果表明,采用垃圾焚烧发电处理垃圾的成本远远低于垃圾卫生填埋成本,随着我国对垃圾焚烧技术的不断开发与应用,通过垃圾焚烧发电、供热的产业化垃圾焚烧厂将越来越多,垃圾焚烧发电不仅仅具有良好的社会效益、环境效益,同时可以回收垃圾中的能源,变废为宝,具有很好的经济效益。

【Abstract】 With the development of urbanization, the amount of MSW in China is increasing continuously and 200 cities have run into a condition being surrounded by waste. Aiming at choosing incineration equipments which have the virtue of advanced technologies, super performance, guaranteed quality, reliable running, reasonable cost and friend to environment, it is discussed in this study to research design schemes of waste incineration plant in medium scale and small scale, meeting the need of medium and small cities in our country, on the purpose of waste harmless, minimization and recycling, stating the key points on the complete technical papers, systematic research content and practical design schemes . The paper can also be taken as an important reference of construction preparation of waste incineration plants.The amount and composition of MSW in China are both changing continuously: the amount of MSW takes a ascend trend by 7-9% per year and the composition of sludge is "low heating value, high water content and varied". However, in some developed cities, the heating value of refuse has surpassed 1000kC/kg, turning refuse incineration into possibility.This paper introduces the processes and equipments utilized widely in refuse incineration in China and abroad. Combined with the situation of China and real project examples, it is suggested to select flowing-bed incinerators under the condition of adopting the way of waste disposal industrialization or select mechanical-grate incinerators under the condition of adopting the way of waste treatment in commonweal.In view of characteristics of powders, harmful gas (especial for Dioxins), wastewater and noises generated in the incineration process, some measures is proposed combined with real projects. In addition, each process system is described in detain related with real projects and the project location and covering area indexes are analyzed simultaneously, put forward some detailed advice in project design.Based on the detained research of economic profits of waste incineration and power generation, it is indicated that the cost of waste incineration is far lower than that of sanitary landfill. With the continuous exploitation and application of waste incineration technologies in China, the industrialized waste incineration plants, which generate power and provide heat through waste incineration, is becoming more and more. Waste incineration and power generation not only possesses social benefits and environmental benefits, but also has excellent economic benefits by reclaiming the energy in refuse, achieving the aim of changing waste into resource,.

  • 【分类号】X705
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1533