

The Research of the Application of the Project Cost Management Method

【作者】 黄昆鹏

【导师】 李慧民;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 加入WTO后,我国经济被迫纳入全球经济一体化轨道,彻底融入到世界经济的大潮中。而我国目前在工程项目造价管理体制及对现代工程项目造价管理方法的研究、推广和应用方面,与世界发达国家还存在一定的差距。因此,我国应尽快推广国际通行的工程造价管理方法,加速工程建设领域的改革,利用科学的管理方法和先进的管理手段,合理地确定和有效地控制造价,以提高投资效益和建筑安装企业的经营效益。 本文为此对工程造价管理方法及应用进行了系统分析,并将我国工程造价管理的现状与国际通行的管理模式进行比较研究,引入了全面造价管理的概念,建立了一个初步的工程价格信息系统,提出了“量价分离”、工程实体性消耗与施工措施性消耗相分离的工程量清单计价模式。 本文运用价值工程、灰色理论、模糊数学等方法对各阶段工程造价控制进行了详细的分析探讨: ①运用价值工程对设计方案进行优选; ②提出了一种新的基于灰色理论的模糊估算模型; ③初步建立了一个BP人工神经网络工程造价预测模型。

【Abstract】 After entering into WTO, The economy of our country is forced to fit into the integration of the whole world economy. But now there is still certain gap between our country and developed countries on the study , spreading, applying of the system and the method of modem project management. So we should spread the international general project cost management means as quickly as possible, accelerate the reformation of the project construction field, take use of scientific management means and method to reasonably fix and effectively control the cost, to improve the invest beneficial and the management beneficial of the construction company.Therefore the project cost management method and application has been systematically analyzed in this paper. Moreover it has compared the present situation of our project cost management with which of the international general, brought up the concept of the total cost management, established a preliminary project price information system, proposed "separation of the quantity and price", which is Bill of Quantity pattern of separation of project measure consumption and project entity consumption.In this paper, the control of the project cost of every stage have been carried on the detailed analysis by using Value Engineering, gray system theory , fuzzy-mathematics and so on:(1)Applying Value Engineering to the optimization of the design scheme;(2)Putting forward a new fuzzy-estimation model based on gray system theory; (3)Establishing a BP neural network model to forecast the project cost

  • 【分类号】F426.9
  • 【被引频次】42
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