

【作者】 张丽荣

【导师】 许淑芳; 白俊英;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 目前国内外有关桩土体系荷载传递机理在工程设计、施工及事故处理中有着大量的描述和分析,但在静载试验中的应用与研究却乏有论述。而且,桩的几何尺寸与外形、桩周土与桩端土的性质以及成桩工艺不同,其传递规律也不尽完全相同。本文仅就嘉定电厂二期工程中的三根试验桩的静载试验进行了分析和研究,利用桩土体系荷载传递分析计算的基本微分方程及应力-应变转换原理,结合预埋电测元件的桩身率定,对三组不同种类、不同施工工艺、不同持力层中的桩的竖直、水平承载特性进行了分析、比较和归纳,通过大量、全面的实测数据,经过整理、转换和推演,揭示了不同试验桩在竖直、水平荷载作用下的应力变化规律和桩身变位、挠曲变化规律,最终提供试验场地土层和桩的承载特性,为该工程合理设计桩型提供了可靠的设计参数,为确定科学的施工工艺提供了有力的依据。同时,对粉性土的土抗力特征及其影响粉类土层中桩的荷载传递性状的有关因素,以及对进行过高应变测试后又进行了低应变完整性检测的断桩进行了浅显的分析,疏误之处,敬请指正。最后,对在这次论文编写过程中给予本人大力支持和指导的许淑芳教授和白俊英高工表示感谢。

【Abstract】 The static loading test for three group of testing piles of jiading power plant secend stage project are analyzed and studied in this thesis, and the practical applying of high-accurate data collector, technique of waterproof insulation and testing technique of burying in the body of pile are introduced also. The vertical and horizontal loading features of three group of piles of different kind and constructing technique in different earth layer at the pile point are analyzed and compared and summed up with basic integro-differential equation calculating the pile earth system load transmit , transforming principle of stress-deforming and pile body rating of burying electric measuring element. Changing law of stress, and changing law of pile body shifting and bending for different testing piles under vertical and horizontal load are showed so that the loading features of soil layer and pile at testing spot, reliable design data for pile type and base for scientific construction technique are provided. I also do some exploration to the resisting features of powdery earth and the factors affecting the load transforming of pile in the powdery earth layer through this big test. Please point out my mistakes in this thesis.

【关键词】 静载试验
【Key words】 static loading test
  • 【分类号】TU473.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】211